@oby: i neither removed nor have any head misfortune, which i blame that they probably forgot to add a mustache to my doll. damn noob voodooers. :)
@oby: i neither removed nor have any head misfortune, which i blame that they probably forgot to add a mustache to my doll. damn noob voodooers. :)
@DocSeuss: i spend 8 hours a day in a credit dept dealing with customers on the phone, and i don't think i could sum up my feelings better than you put it.
i bought monster hunter tri for the wii....before i owned a wii, because i was that excited. yup.
@Spritz: so it doesn't come with any region locked software, i could just buy a japanese ds game and pop it in to a us ds? I'm hoping you say yes because I'm trying to think of ways to aid me when i start taking japanese this coming fall.
@InsidiousTuna: it was her first episode, and really they didn't give her that much to work with in the lines since it was more focused on the other actors they brought in. give it time and it'll probably get atleast a little better.
@ninjaDance: ya i agree with you, i think people are being overly critical and it's important to remember they are just now developing her character. watch some of the first daily show episodes and it was all a little trial and error with the actors
@Kuanhung Chen: beware the banhammer with comments like that. also, it is since she does alot of gaming related things with her career. It's no different than say the president of sony being on some popular show as a guest even if he didn't talk about gaming, like an snl appearance or something. they aren't going to…
@bakagaijin: truthfully, i think it's pretty popular to hate on this movie now, but I'm with you. was it the greatest movie ever? absolutely not. i probably wouldn't even get it movie of the year, but the cinematics were amazing, and i definately thought the 3d version was really well done, compared to some others ive…
let's be clear here, and bring up what everyone knows and won't let themselves admit. sony absolutely has a huge loss in revenue from psp games being pirated, which hurts its potential because developers are afraid of not making profit. if you are using an excuse for taking any licensed, full psp game and pirating…
@Ladi: i agree. just one look at the piracy rates at some of the games that were supposed to be big hits and it's easy to see why developers wouldn't want to waste time.
@Jarol: i also own a psp, but i completely agree that piracy screws over sales on it, it's something you can't really deny when you look at the piracy rates. in regards to your difficulty comment, i got my psp modded in 10 minutes from a friend. in regards to the games taking up more space comment, anyone who has even…
@pinshot: not to be too harsh, but that's a pretty bad argument, or atleast you're giving bad examples. the point being made is about owning a physical copy that you know you will have to play. example of what i mean...say a system dies and you had a digital game...yes as long as the system is popular you can buy a…
i was ready to preorder a collectors edition as soon as i heard about new vegas. this looks amazing.
@ThisLife17: thanks for pointing this out! i also loved 28 days later and the beach(sunshine had it's moments, it seemed near the end they threw in that crazed man who didn't need to be thrown in to try to add more action in a thriller type way)and I'm already interested in 28 months later simply since they got him…
aw sweet, i hope it gets enough votes to be made into a tshirt. nerdy folk unite and vote!
@dunetiger - Still looking for Lan Di: i dunno, man. i had a blast playing apocalypse, it was different enough for me.
@shufflemoomin: i agree, I'm surprised they didn't have sims 3 as a simultaneous console release with pc, they clearly would have made money.
@shufflemoomin: I believe it was, along with ps2 for sure. i just mean them bringing specifically sims 3 to the consoles, not the series as a whole.
I'm excited, moreso about the game than the original purchase bonus. I'm pretty surprised they've waited this long to put out the game on consoles in the first place, actually.
@Ueziel: my mistake with my second argument. i did read the initial but didn't remember them blatantly saying don't trust their reviews, and figured it would have been brought back up in this post with the summary if they did.