
@BallPtPenTheif: the point is activites like this along with education are what help promote people wanting to actually get back out into the world or stay in check enough that they get to keep them, or even within the limits of the prison help keep spirits up and, though i don't have a statistical basis for this,

@godot: the point i think senselocke is trying to make is these people will not always be law abiding by the time they are out of prison, just as you put it there are people outside of prison that aren't but just aren't caught.

ya, i have intentionally been avoiding reading most posts on here about mass effect 2, bioshock 2, and final fantasy xiii unless they happen to say dlc in the title. not that I'm not interested, it's just simply i would rather have a completely fresh experience going in. If it's a new franchise i look into it enough

@e-friend cuts you: i still disagree but i guess this could go on for awhile since it's opinion based. i don't think you can sum up the forces that decided to wage war on nazi germany as having it boil down to cash for motives, i think it was necessary and motivated by a need for balance and equality. if you're saying

hmm, as I'm absolutely terrible with actual dates I'll go through what were some memorable moments from ps2 onwards. Bought a ps2 for final fantasy x and the first final fantasy i would actually own, watched some of viii at my cousins) and changed my outlook on rpgs to which is to this day my genre of choice. still

perhaps a mode similiar to metal gear solid where you have a bunch of people against the assassin, maybe throw in where one person gets to be the person needing to be protected? i think that could actually be fun being the VIP since you would be extra nervous without weapons and wondering if your teammates would

@Omnimon: " There's a large price and use difference between video games and productivity applications" you're kind of admitting the issue isn't black and white here, aren't you? there are shades of gray that can seem legitimate without saying "stealing is wrong, case closed" there are bands who have said they'd

@Heartless141, dood!: the pic doesn't really do andy san dimas (left) justice compared to other shoots with her. and ya, I'm prolly a creep for saying that :)

I greatly dislike this news, as now i have more of a reason to buy a wii, since i have 100's of hours on the psp monster hunter. damn your temptation Nintendo!

@SuicidalEarthworm: it's not stealing at all. He received his download the first time, and there's nothing stating that if your account is banned you have the right to continue to re-download. You have the choice as long as terms and conditions aren't broken, which he agreed to when he signed up for an account. He

@Fallible.: while i understand the term icon isn't really applicable i think your limiting musicians by saying "entertainer" the way you are. Though in a sense he was, it implies that they're merely there to "entertain" when many bands have done a good job of getting across political, social, and any issues in a very

@Fallible.: even if your an entertainer you still have the right to decide how your image gets put out in media in these circumstances. just because someone's a musician doesn't mean they're an ass because they choose they don't really want to sign off on everything they might get presented with to do with music.

@EternalStar: while that's fine and great if you don't think fallout 3 is all people hype it to be, do you happen to have any possible links to fan pages with these "mods" that bethesda so blatantly ripped off? i for one am calling bs until shown otherwise.

@PlanHex: "That complaint alleges that Interplay did not seek approval for the sale of the Fallout Trilogy bundle, which features the original Fallout, Fallout 2 and Fallout Tactics"