About the same as a healthy adult dying from corona virus
About the same as a healthy adult dying from corona virus
15% of 1 month, as reported by 1 dealer. That number is flimsier than a 5 foot red bow.
You would be surprised how many units we move in late December that are gifts. Usually it’s Dads and Husbands making little Bella/Ethan a very happy kid or shutting up the wife for a week. But my favorite car as a gift story was in 2015.
So 15% of sales are gifts??
*raises hand* I do. Usually with Oreos. Hell, sometimes I drink straight from the jug because I get a craving.
I like milk. Also, there’s some reason to believe I’m more of a psychopath. The theory has been put forth by a couple of actual doctors over the years.
“Marion Nestle, a food studies professor at New York University”
Opinions like this make some good populist kindling, but never addresses a) how money currently collected is being wasted and how to fix that and b) what exactly would this money be used for and c) who are we punishing and to what ends?
don’t forget, you get to work from home while complaining about the high cost of living in a city!
I’ll expand on this—*MOST* frequent fliers are business travelers. As Mr. Party said, the tax won’t reduce their travel, it will increase their employers’ expenses. So what it will reduce is their salary, potential for raises, and even likelihood of being hired into a travel-required job in the first place.
Not everyone who logs miles in an airplane is a billionaire jet-setter. A fair number of frequent fliers (myself included) are having their travel paid for by their employer. Increasing the cost of those flights isn’t going to reduce the amount that I travel, it’ll just increase the amount my company pays for that…
Blogging: A career where you can collect revenue by voicing the moral high-ground stance, while also collecting revenue through advertising the very thing you are against.
Finally, an adult in the room.
They actually sounded plastic, but regardless, it was cringe worthy to watch.
“...and we provide a padded bag in the truck just so you can store those freedom panels in the truck and they won’t bounce against each other and scratch up...”
Thank you. Seriously. Saved me from typing that out.
I had a car once that mechanics BEGGED me to stop driving. They would offer as much as $100 to tow it to the junkyard instead of me driving off in it. I don’t think this is the same thing.
Because this car DELIVERS!
I hate that my wife and I technically fall under the Millennial Generation. I'm 29, she's 28, we have a kid, careers, we're home owners, we've bought a couple cars, we have investments yet neither one of us graduated college. Why the fuck should we be lumped in with those skinny jeaned fuck ups that can't seem to…