
In the article: WEEABOOOOOOOO

The people decrying this with fake outrage have never worked a job with these illegals. I watched one guy pay no taxes on a 4-bedroom house provided by Habitat, to then turn around and get a $12,000 REFUND from the gov. come tax season.

What;s “disturbing” is that you libtards on these blogs see anything wrong with this. They’re here ILLEGALLY. Say it out loud. ILLEGAL. Not “Immigrant”, not “refugee”, ILLEGAL ALIEN. Arrest them all, slam them to the ground when they resist.

Thank you! I was beginning to think that everyone reading this blog is a brain-dead libtard. Misses the entire point of the original bull sculpture.

Why has this series gotten so much flak since DICE took over? Battlefront is still one of the most fun games to pick up and play for an hour or two.

I have never and will never understand speedrunning. Such a waste of time, ignoring all the hours of work put into making the game to just glitch through for some imagined “internet podium 1st place”....

Thank you for this. This blog has to be the most brainwashed racist swamp on the internet sometimes. If ever any story DOESN’T involve blacks it’s racist. If it DOES involve blacks it’s a case of the “dindoonuffins”