
So Cosplay has moved over to Modeling now?

WHAT?!?!? Next thing you know you will tell us that throwing energy projectiles using your Chi is not backed by science too.

McDonalds is hiring.

Looks more like a photoshoot than Cosplay...

Doom on the Sega 32X had the worst ending. Nothing creative, just open the doors and then credits...I was SO pissed after playing that for hours and then got nothing...

No one. It’s a model photo shoot. Which is what Cosplay seems to have turned into.

In between the blowups, Rock 1 liners (I think they got all of his trademarked ones) and car chases, I was really looking forward to the credits...

When did Cosplay turn into an synonym for Photoshoot?

Meh, they got till 8 tonight or so. And I have received many things from Amazon and the site says it hadn’t even shipped yet. If it gets here, it gets here if not, there are other things to do.

I want to trade for a Mr. Mime

Isn’t this just a photoshoot and not Cosplay?

So did he find it or data mine it?

Please keep your K-D ratio 5-1 so you won’t get banned...

LOL! You just got PWND by a Lesbian!

Hope it’s not Guyver worthy...

Tell that to HoMM Fans...

Hockey Hall of Fame and the Birthplace of Bryan Adams!

Those first couple hours are supposed to grab the player and suck them in, not drive them away scratching their head.

Remember when Cosplay was called Dressup?

But Simmons is right.