Kraven the Huntress MacNeille

I considered that when I made the comment and actually thought about excising that final phrase. I left it because of how precisely Barton made himself Charlie's target: he complained to the hotel desk that his neighbor was being to noisy, and Mad Man Munt took it as a slight; from then on, Fink and his fake

Time and again this show has shown itself to be not just a Fargo show but instead a pastiche of the entire Coen catalogue. Granted, often times this is shown in fairly obvious winking lines and moments like the Big Lebowski references I listed downthread, but we also see more structural and thematic parallels.

The Coens have had Chigurh/Malvo-type characters forever. Leonard Smalls in Raising Arizona, Charlie Meadows in Barton Fink, and Sheriff Cooley in O Brother, Where Art Thou? all inhabit the same archetype of supernatural badass adversary that methodically pursue the protagonist.

Big Lebowski references:

Peace among worlds, Chuck.

I don't think we're supposed to infer that the origin took place contemporaneously with the Mulan sauce. That's just how Rick fashioned the memory. Remember, they never left Shoney's.

That speech needs to be EVERYWHERE in 2018. The Democrats have to run on a platform of "Republicans Can't Govern," and that speech is rife with attack ad soundbites that say Republicans' only purpose is to halt progress. This is a big L for the GOP, but none of that's going to matter if nothing changes after November

Yeah, we call that time, "When @disqus_j5dvrVFHSh:disqus isn't around."

Just checked… on iTunes at least, the songs are only available to those who purchase the full soundtrack.

Pretty sure it's a British thing.


Yeah, I come to the A.V. Club, a site which specializes in posting snarky versions of stories found on other websites, for hard-hitting pop culture journalism. But I guess that's over now. Gone are the days when I could read meaty exposés telling of how they love the new Dawes album and I should too. Journalism is

Damn… I had him pegged as more of a Jabba the Hutt kinda guy.


I feel like Marge Simpson after Springfield bought Lyle Lanley's monorail…

It's just a little rapey! It's still good, it's still good!