
Everyone talks about physical locations and ergonomics.

@Ricardo: seems a bit pretentious for you to assume that person mistakes ssd for sd. he/she mentions the existing hdd, so it sounds to me like they know what ssd is.

@RsK: in your opinion.

@DanBroChill: forgive my ignorance... what's AOTD?

"Lookout" Android.

@RainyDayInterns: No, it would more than likely be plasma... not light at all. says Michio Kaku! ..oh, and too bad that executive laser is discontinued due to legal reasons.

@robelirobban: Wha? As supposed to the majority wanting a 6 month cycle. 1 year, maybe.

@nosebleed: No kidding. I'd be interested to hear why you made the change. Which Android phone did you choose? And how's it going?

I'd love to see a chart comparison of VMware Fusion3 vs Virtualbox... if Virtualbox is so awesome and free, why does anyone pay for VMware? (i'm talkin Mac running a vm windows)

Wrong... TNG red shirts are officers.

The things we'll put ourselves through to see Jessica Alba...

@Superhanz: It actually has a setting to limit how much CPU usage there is... default is max of 50%... pretty sweet that you can change it.

@vinod1978: No, FF 3.6.13 or what ever should be fine. Maybe check your flash updates...

@Michael Scrip: true. But BB enterprise push depending on BES is no match for Android, Palm, Winmo and iOS support for Exchange Activesync out of the box.

I see it as a different kind of social network.. facebook is life in its own bubble... This looks to involve the entire web and extended it socially! I have always felt there was missing a way to share things I find interesting on the web, without having to cut and paste. We'll see if this is what I'm thinking it will