
if this article was about a woman you would be shaming everyone for “slut shaming” or some shit, and writing about how vicious and evil media portrays women, but its a man, so its okay. might as well just post his sex video, like you did with a previous celebrity. im sure leaking court transcripts immediately after

too bad its got such a shitty inventory/ loot system in diablo 3, so bad most people just ignore it altogether, ontop of a leveling system thats just completely shit as well, most people go from 1-73 in under 2 hours powerleveling and those 2 things combined make it a terrible experience

too bad most places in japan can’t into basic sweets, and they all taste like bland and poorly made, the decorations and theme are just to distract you from that fact.

as opposed to the idiots in america doing the fucking same and getting cops called becuase they are suspiciously driving around at night

except it isnt , in USA you dont pay that, they then hire a lawyer to sue your ass to set an example for everyone to pay the “fee”

no you’re just literally retarded and don’t have vsync enabled, so phsyx isn’t hooked properly hence why you can’t get past the intro

i was just in a store here they have plenty in stock