
Cool to see an Aussie Steve article on Kotaku..

also threw me for a loop..

I vaguely remember TotalBiscuit liking that game a fair bit.. :|

You forgot the part where some small thing eventually makes them snap and makes them roam the forest trying to make a skin suit out of hikers and campers..

perhaps Twitch Decision Making should simply be Listen To Day[9] from this point forward.. i can’t see that going as bad as we’ve seen recently tbh..

Ronald Reagan?! THE ACTOR?!

you’re not wrong.. (/r/InCorgnito for more corgi mixes FYI)

What you have to remember is that shareholders don’t give a single fuck about the opinion of the users of their product so long as they stick around..

You might benefit from swapping to SSDs in your system, unless you desperately need mass storage.. Using 4 and 8 TB SSDs for mass storage is not really cost effective.. but you can get solid prices lower capacity SSDs these days.. I swapped all my old drives out with 2x 2TB M.2 and 2x 4TB 2.5" SSDs and won’t ever buy

Actually.. My only issue with UFC is that i can not wrap my head around the grappling and submission mechanics.. But thanks for your thoughts..

Curious.. are you running it on older hardware or loading from an old HDD or something?

Screw this.. Gimme a damn Fight Night game instead.. I don’t wanna spend time rolling around on the floor with another sweaty muscular dude, while a hundred thousand people watch.. I just want to turn someone poor souls face to mush..

The same is true for older FIFA.. they gutted the career mode and put all the effort into Ultimate Team

Was about to ask if i just saw a Danish car ad on Jalopnik.. Kinda need..

yeah.. most existing fans were not enthusiastic.. mostly because Blood Money, that preceded it, was the most open Hitman game we had seen at that point and Absolution felt like a corridor shooter in comparison.. Combine that with changes to the disguise system, hardcore fans were not really cheering that hard..

Genuinely shocked that it wasn’t Stuart Ashens..

[This happened due to] Tencent.. Stop supporting this company..

You should be well aware that pleasing everyone is an impossibility in most cases..

Have you been living under a rock for the past 10 years?

I kinda wish that they would use different colors on the halo between the two cars, seems easier to spot than a helmet or t-cam going past at a million miles in traffic..