
AvE Glossary below:

Came here to post this.. binge-watched the whole season earlier this week..

don’t Jalop on Phone.. someone somewhere McFucked something up in a big way it seems

On the face of it yes.. Except 80% of the models in GT6 are from years ago and look like absolute arse compared to both the Gran Turismo Premium cars and every single vehicle in Forza

you can pick up Horizon cars for less then 2 million on the Auction house with a bit of patience and luck

John Bothwell is an automotive madman..

aside from maybe a decently quick dragster, an airplane or the fires of hell itself, that might be the thing that would motivate me to move my arse the best..

it’s a replay/spectator mode thing..

Soooo.. People call a shit game, made by a shady developer, a shit game, dev doesn’t like this and goes to court.. To me this feels like Mr. Dev needs to stop trying to shovel the same shit over and over again and perhaps try something different..

Not if you’re in a wheelchair with a shit sense of balance and equilibrium it isn’t...

if you were to die and then be resuscitated then you would be killed, but not dead.. .. i think..

this seems like a fantastic way for me to horribly kill myself dead..

My favorite is still the Cayman... So damned good..

Did someone say swastika?

AFAIK a lot of people, myself included, use Co Op because it gives you the best overview..

nice choice of music.. how very nostalgic..

Entry and exit was about as elegant as a drugged up, one legged emu.. And i’d do even worse.. Hats off to you good sir..

I imagine that a ton of YouTubers will upgrade, due to it giving them a quicker turnaround on videos..

I have a feeling that the majority of big YouTubers who can afford/justify the purchase will do it, and probably even double up, just to be more productive..

It seemed fairly popular when i was watching a VoD of CohhCarnage playing Subnautica..