They’ve fixed nothing since last season. I’m not even sure how last season’s defense managed to get them as far in the playoffs as they got. Grit? Luck? Sheer chance? They can’t stop the run. The secondary is held together by dried hobo cum. The receiving corps that’s mostly the same they’ve had the past two years…
By explicit, do you mean “Any and all support for Hong Kong protestors is not allowed.”? Or do you mean something like “We can ban users for saying anything controversial, and what is controversial is determined at our sole discretion.”?
Last year I bought into the hype that the Eagles were going to go in there and win. This year, especially after that Vikings game, I went in fully expecting the Eagles to do exactly what they did.
How about the new pop up ads when reading on your phone?
This is why my default is to have the sound turned off.
I think you are confusing Wotc with their parent company, Hasbro. Hasbro is without a doubt a piece of shit company and wizards cant help who has the money to buy them, but they go out of their way to be good in spite of that. and aside from the MTG: Arena stuff, which is honestly more Hasbro’s doing, you dont seem to…
I look forward to getting to root for new Skins head coach Doug Pederson next year.
You don’t enjoy the soothing tones of J.K Simmons with Burt and Ernie selling insurance every time you click on a blog?
And you don’t think Hasbro might have some relationship with China?
They need to PIVOT away from video faster and harder.
Blitzchung’s “contract” (if you want to call it that) didn’t explicitly forbid him from doing what he did either.
glad it isn’t just me. These autoplay videos are obnoxious, especially when I have one embedded within the article and one on the side, and both are playing at the same time. Get it together gizmodo media/vulture capital overlords
Skins are just three games off of first.
If it did, it would make me question the morality of the contract.
The protesters in Hong Kong are covering their faces to avoid facial ID and protect against gas. Thus, masks have become a symbol of the protest movement.
indicating his support for the pro-Democracy protests in Hong Kong. (Protesters in Hong Kong wear masks to obscure their identity from government surveillance and stay safe from tear gas.)
theyve always been on the progressive side of things. theyve even been adding lgbt npc’s and such into their dungeons and dragons adventure books among other things. they are legitimately all about being inclusive and fighting the good fight and its great.
I’ve always had respect for Wizards of the Coast, it’s nice they’re actually respecting the freedom of speech of their players as well.