All I can say is I hope these goddamn fucks are happy. Every one of them, from our sorry excuse for a “leader” all the way down to the miscreants who voted him into office.
Canada won’t let us flood their market with our goods at lower prices! terrible! Oh, and buy American only! They need to buy our stuff, we won’t buy theirs!
Because we have a war in North Korea we are itching to start!
I love how these things only become real when they happen to her.
Bucky Larson.
Am I only one that thinks every single FF movie was terrible, and a truly bad representation of car culture for all of us?
The monkeys who were trying to protect the girl or the monkeys who voted for the monkey who would have kept that foreign girl out? or the monkey?
Just more proof that animals are better people than humans.
Simple answer: Because they resent the existence of women as even potential equals. They long for the days described in the bible, where women were chattel, and men were the final word on anything.
Maybe there was actually a different reason for his divorce.
Yes yes yes. These dumbasses thought Obamacare was something different from the ACA and now that they have learned it’s the same fucking thing, suddenly it’s “don’t take away my healthcare!” They were fine taking it away from the mythical lazy negroes and Mexicans, though, of course.
Logic and reason fall to the wayside when a Trumpster tries to put words together.
But the dome will be made out of American* steel!
For a week I stomped around my office glaring at all the Republicans & Berniebros here, silently seething & muttering You Did This, You Pigfuckers.