
Oh boy! This is gonna be great for hospitals that have invested money to expanding to support the influx of more people with healthcare insurance thanks to the original ACA. Hooray!!! For most likely huge layoffs!!!

I know he was trying to get the secret that only trump himself knew on how to defeat ISIS. That has to be it!!!!!!

Dude’s probably a pedo. I can’t wait for his Facebook live about how the internet has ruined his innocent life and he will have a gofundme page or something like that.

Wow its pretty sad that people are attacking this person telling them to cancel their phone plan. How they gonna call their doctor or employer with a phone. Man people are sure dumb assholes.

Hey aren’t they technically paying back, since you get taxed really heavily when you win the lotto?

Poor people don’t deserve nice things. It would be easier if he just said that.

Good, I can’t stand the fact I can get 30+ mpg in my camaro. Bring back the low 20's my brothers old trans am got. /s

I agree with most folks here. Her actions and words are at our judgement and not her looks....

Well this “criminal” wanted to be a math teacher and we all knows that there math and fancy science aints no welcome around here!

I didn’t watch the speech, had to catch up with all the episodes to The Expanse. But did any Democrats yell out “LIAR” like the one Republican congressman did 8 yes ago when then President Obama first speech to Congress?

Will they go after the other racist pricks in the hate caravan? Especially with the video evidence or heck probably the Facebook pictures these guys probably post of them being racist pricks.

What’s there to investigate? Didn’t they say that mission was massive and hugely success. Also that picture with the health insurance CEOs, is that the death panels I keep hearing about????

Oh god the patient is coding, hurry give me 20cc of prayer, its our only hope!! Can’t these crazy guys do something more helpful like feed the homeless or give people free rides when the weather is really bad with those vans.

Yep, this will totally help the inner cities where all the dark skin minorities that dodge bullets everyday! They constantly love to tell us about, get a better education. Who knew it was the bathrooms that was the key to improving everything.

This reminds me of that time chumba wumba sold their one hit wonder song to gm. Then gave that money to some awareness charity about global warming/emission thingy. These guys are doing right with the power they have to help their charities.

I wonder more on how he gets his nose candy past the all them secret service agents. All that sniffling during the debates and the lack of sleep, late night twittering has to it caused by it.

McCain needs to speak with his votes. Talking about the issues with your party members don’t mean nothing when you just vote along with them for stuff you know that’s just wrong.

You forgot the pointless rant about how he won with 300 something electoral votes and something about his trip to Melbourne will have the biggest crowds ever to cheer him on. It was crazy weird watching this conference in the breakroom at work.

Let’s just say....I work in the largest medical/hospital group in California. The staff here is well paid. So most care only about their taxes and follow a certain political party. Our insurance is free pretty much. So these same folks say “people need to pay for their for own damn insurance and not have tax payers

My co workers are like that. “Don’t believe everything you hear” they tell me. But they cling on to everything they hear on fox news while in the breakroom. I work at a freaking hospital were people complain about the ACA, which we are sooooo benefiting from with more patients able to pay for visits now.