
Google Now will always be the best, just because it has all the knowledge of you that Google has collected and is collecting every second of every day. The other two will never have this so they can never be as powerful. The whole idea behind Google Now is that you don't even have to search, the relevant information

I really hope so, I wanna fly with one of those things :D

Yeah they sell these on Ebay for...

Awesome project Mr. Musk. The more pressing issue however is the fact that we still don't have personal jetpacks! Where are our jetpacks Mr. Musk!? :D

Yeah, the Swiss watch makers will still be just fine coming this spring ;)

CORRECTION! You CAN set up reminders for an exact time and location as well, however this only works with stand-alone reminders set up from the main menu, not the ones that stick to the emails.

The battery manufacturing industry is so invested in current tech, that we need a few years till they have made back all the investment plus their desired profit before we'll get any new technology on the selves.
It would be about time to have it though... it seems like battery tech is lagging far behind the devices it

Yeah it'll work for at least 5 minutes before all your batteries die...

Having ears for the deaf, eyes for the blind, and the sky is the limit for Glass... Yes these are the reasons it's here, and so many others that are just being developed, or thought about. I just hope people who are paranoid, and use the term "Glasshole" realize, that Glass is not out to get them, it's out to help

Looks great. The leader album sales is Comedy? Really? That seems odd, and it's followed by Country music? The methodology seem to be a bit off...

Apart from the lockscreen notifications and the recent apps, it really looks like KitKat with a white color scheme. Of course this is just a preview, hopefully Samsung makes it nicer looking before we get it...

Hell, if I'd be buying an iPhone 6+, I'd sure as hell ask the person who is selling it to me, if is bendable with slight force. If he says yes, I would not buy the damn thing, and if he says no, I'd insist on trying before buying. IMHO it's a totally legitimate worry especially when you're about to part with $750...

True, true, if you are using post prod image stabilization, it really helps that you have a huge area to corp from. I shoot mostly indoors, so low light performance is more important to me personally.

I hope they finally put a damn light on that LCD panel in the front. The back touch LCD is a welcomed upgrade, but really not that necessary, you don't use it much anyway, especially knowing how much it sucks the battery. Low light performance could also improve, it's way more important than 4k

Let't make a phone out of glass, because of course a glass phone is the world's greatest idea... ummm until you have people handle the damn thing, and eventually inevitably dropping it...

When you show up at the party, show your sexy self, but leave straight after that, don't be surprised when you'll have no date at the next one...

Finally with Google Now, YOU are getting all that valuable information that Google data mines out of all your searches, emails, location etc. It's nice to see that Google is giving you your relevant info back, and not just targeted ads.

This is what I was expecting from Apple, not that joke they introduced. This actually looks nice sleek and sexy.

yeah this one too... sorry just can't hold my self back...

It's Apple it has to be thin!