
2014 is the year of sequels... at least in design...
I swore never to buy a phone without the removable battery option ever again, or till newer tech comes along that'll charge my phone forever :D Over the air seem interesting, in the likes of Cota.

Same here! No need for a mashup, when Christopher Walken already did it for you... Of course all my respect goes out to Norman Cook for getting him to do this :)

This video, above all things proves Scotty has a daughter... ;D

Having Win-Linux dual boot on my PC seems logical, and there are many situations where this comes in handy, but on a phone I really don't see a situation arise where I would wanna switch from Android to Windows Phone... Maybe it's just me...

A smartwatch that I'd actually ware... Well done Moto, well done indeed!
Google Now will play so nicely with this, like it was planned all along.... hmmm I'm starting to think it was planned all along :D

Yep I see now :)

Introducing "SeatMan" :D

You forget, that any gadget that'll act as a wireless charging unit in your home will have to get power from somewhere, and that means cables.

Finally a firm stance! This should have been implemented a long time ago. I'd like to see the same in all electronic equipment, it would make life so much easier...

The fact that such a cool toy/puzzle could reach such a world wide audience coming out of communist Hungary at the time, is just amazing in it's self... :)

Impressive also that the Rubik's Cube is still making news at this day and age... What a brilliant little game of logic :D

I met one of those backpack guys recently, still haven seen a car though, I wonder if I got on the map...

Wonder what the range is on this thing... Bluetooth has a few meters for range no? So using it to track anything further away, like a bike would be useless. For around a home or in a car it could be a good thing to have. It would be nice to have it smaller so you could stick it on a remote :D

Awesome! The Hungarian ones are trippy as hell. I'm kinda feeling proud right now :D

This happens at most of the festivals after it rains, and the mud dries up a bit. It's really cool to run around and jump on it. It feel kinda like a water bed, but more solid. Makes life very amusing when you see drunk people trying to walk o these spots :D

This actually looks pretty decent, at least compared to Facebook's other attempts to own your phone... If you wanna just browse, it could be an alternative to the old app.

Yeah, exactly! Misleading headline, but Gawker is full of these unfortunately...

Tandem parachutes are designed to carry 2 people, single person parachutes are not. So it would be way more dangerous for both, if they did what you suggest...

When you think of nuclear power plants you think of meltdowns, but that rarely happens. Of course when it does it can be devastating, and not just to the environment locally, but all over the world. Just take a look at the fallout of Fukashima on the western seaboard of the US.