
The headline is again misleading, as CarrierIQ can be found not just in Android. It's carriers that we have to blame for this not Android as a whole. I don't have it, but if I did, I'd probably return my phone in an instant and seek legal means against my provider. I'm curious why class action suits haven't started

No mention of 3 or 4G... IMHO a tablet with just WiFi is is a deal breaker these days...

Well if they actually do it, that means a lot of dough is on it's way in the form of the Google Lunar X Prize as well... Given that the telescope can move around 500m :)

DARPA robots are getting scarier day by day. It's just a matter of time till Skynet takes over. These are the grand daddies of our future overlords...

I film with GoPros a lot. My friend has a Phantom quadcopter, exactly like the one in the video...

The irony... I love it! :D

Norman Cook is one of my favorites. Thanks for posting.
I've heard this live, played by him, two times already, and yes they both where awesome :D

Finally! I wonder why no one has done manual focus... I've been craving it ever since I had a camera in my phone.

I thinks it's good to have the choice. I rather pull focus manually as well, but there are situations, where it would be nice to have it done by the camera jut because sometimes 2 hands are not enough to handle everything. Every time some new tech comes in, this discussion comes up is some shape or form - Do we trust

I have a 500MB plan, and I rarely go over 250MB. Of course this is just my phone usage. My phone is always on and always connected. I use Imo.im for IM-ing to all IM platforms. I search the net frequently, check Facebook and G+, you know the usual stuff that you do. I don't tether and listen to online radios while I'm

This goes out to all gadget manufacturers especially phone makers.
Treat all electronic devices with this stuff when you assemble them, it's a no brainer!

Toilette brush? Just spray the toilette and you never need that brush again... :D

Damn with this we're finally in the 21st century :D

This will never be a GoPro competitor. This is a toy, not a professional camera.

5 things? Naaah only one, but it's enough: Your next phone and pad won't be i...

If they'd just made these shows available to watch by legal means in the rest of the world, these numbers would be way lower. Living in Europe, I have virtually no access to TV shows aired in the US, other than torrents. None of the online services work here, and local TV lags about 3 years behind with these shows.

This reminds of a TV episode (don't remember which show) where bank robbers used infrared LED collars to hide their faces. They just had big glowing heads. Of course it would never look like the way it did on the show, but I'm guessing the method of using infrared light to disguise your self could take off with all

There had to be an Airwolf reference... Reading the title instantly made the theme music run in my head :D

So I guess Superman never punches with full strength...

It's a Tricorder...