
Jesus I have to agree with you, we really should have a way larger one by now. If all that money spent on futile wars around the world went into space exploration, we'd be golden.

First of all, we didn't even have a phone till I was 8, and moved to Canada. I remember the time when there was no Internet. I'm not that old, but old enough. Secondly why would you have to fiddle with numbers when you have Facebook, and people have names on there??? It's an im service you don't need numbers. Most of

Most people use their real names on Facebook (foolishly but they do, I don't ;) ) why would I need an other app for a feature I don't even need? Besides I'd have to get all my friends to join yet an other service that does the exact same thing as all the services we use already.

I have most of my friends on Facebook, so I don't need Whatsapp. I don't even need their numbers to chat with them. Why would I pay for something that I have for free and working in the first place?

All other im services do the same thing for free

Yeah I don't SMS either, I send an email :)

Probably not. I had some friends visit the place and they had a person constantly watch them every second, so they don't do anywhere not allowed.

It's not free on Android, there is a subscription fee after one year, but that's really not a big deal. Around the world yes, that is the Internet my friend, and ALL im services work like that (ok maybe not it North Korea). Why have an other one that all my friends have to sign up to? As I said before I don't need to

I have everyone added already... I don't even know why they use this to market the product. OK maybe if I where living under a rock for the last twenty years and had no contact with the Internet, it would be damn useful, but I already have all my friends added on various im networks. If I meet someone, and I wanna

I just said there is NO problem with Imo.im, it works flawlessly :) no need for yet an other app that every one of my friends has to install

Some friends use this, the others that. Imo.im combines all of them into one interface, so it's convenient.

Google is using Eric's holiday photos for reference. Slick spying Eric :D

Nice zoom, but it's 1:3.0 - upwards... Optical zoom has it's price... I wonder about the stabilization also when you are at 22x...

I think RIM would make more opening up BBM to every platform, than selling phones ;) (ok I'm exaggerating a bit, but you get the point :) )

Never understood the need for Whatsapp, when there's a multitude of other services that do the same thing. I mean, I'm on Skype, Gtalk, Facebook, MSN (not for long) ICQ, all at the same time using Imo.im for free. Why would I need to sign up for yet an other service and pay for it? The only plus it gives you is that

The Gorn hate lens flares it drives them crazy... known fact ;)

There has been plenty of "alternate universe" episodes in the history of Star Trek, and they are great now and then, but to change the whole franchise into an alternate reality is not OK. Star Trek has deep positive message, and it is not a space action movie. That is why people loved it, because it dared to be

Hahaha, got to give you that one :D

I do like the the television work that Abrams makes, it's great. But what he did to trample the core philosophy of Star Trek int the ground is unforgivable. I love space action movie, but Star Trek isn't a space action movie, it's ask questions, try to resole the problem through thinking and talking, and then if

The way it was produced and the cinematics (despite the over use of lens flares) are sound and I have no quarrels with them. The philosophy of the Star Trek franchise has been trampled though, that's my problem. Every Star Trek spinoff been it good or bad stayed true to the core philosophy of Star Trek, that was the