
So this BGR source was sitting at this bar and he noticed... sorry Casey I had to go there ;)

Yep, well it's still just an iPhone, trying to play catch up. Apple users deserved better for their loyalty, but I guess we'll see a lot of converts in the coming months...

There's an app for Windows, Mac, Linux called QuickSynergy. It enables you to control multiple devices with one keyboard and mouse. You can go from one device's desktop to an other just like when you have multiple monitors set up. If this where available for tablets and smartphones I'd totally use them as "second,

This looks mighty sad. There are states with not even a dot in them...

Now playing

This is the dorm building of the Budapest University of Technology. The students do this every year as a part of a university competition. The pixels are actually windows of dorm rooms.

That's a hefty sum. Considering what you get for your money it's a really bad deal. You can get 3 Nexus 7s for that money...

There's no such thing as "hack-resistant", but yeah probably all those people who have the knowledge to hack the new Kindle Fire have a Nexus 7 already and don't give a shit :)

Everyone is quoting Brazil, yes. We had a family friend who's elderly mom used to have one of these on her tv. It works, but it's horrific to watch, and makes you feel like you're on acid if you stare at it too long...

Damn if I could only meet one of these cars once...

I hope Samsung, being the best screen maker around, finally makes the first full screen phone. I mean the first phone to have just a huge screen facing you. That would be killer :)

This is great for bikers and drivers alike. The more visibility the better I say. I ride a motorcycle and a bike and drive too, so I tend to watch out for others on the road, but sometimes bikes are hard to see in the dark. If this becomes available here I'm getting one for sure...

I remember Alvin from my childhood. Reading about all those undersea adventures in National Geographic. It's nice to see he's getting upgraded to continue his quest :)

I'd love to have the ability to get either one... We're waiting here in the EU... HELLO anyone around to take our money!?

Google already has image editing in Google+ and Picasa via the purchase of Picnik, but Snapseed look way more sophisticated. Hopefully it'll make it in on to Android too... Oh yeah and while you're at it make a Linux version as well :)

So I guess "first contact" is immanent (if it hasn't happened yet)

Wow I hope this becomes reality in my lifetime. The ship should most definitely be called "Enterprise"...

Oh hello sexy! :D Daddy wants to click...

Although the SGS3 is way better than the iPhone 5, those Samsung apps are mostly useless that they list. They could have left them out and the comparison would still tilt in their favor.

So let's get this straight, $350 for the gadget, and then on top of that $8 per day. That's a whole lot of dough, when you could buy virtually any Android phone from last year pop in a pre-paied sim card of the country you're in and presto.

My cousin has an iPhone 4 shaped dent in his wall, he couldn't that peace of shit dropping calls so it has to suffer. He is a happy Android user now, never looking back :)