
I'll run it in Virtualbox, not much can happen that way. That'll satisfy my healthy paranoia ;)

Does it still send installation info to Microsoft? Or if I turn it off it's off and done for?

The problem here is that an app has to be "certified". I'm afraid that just like Apple, Microsoft is going towards a dictatorship. Who decides if the app is certified or not? Microsoft. So that means if the app is a threat to their own apps let's get an example here... Open Office vs. Microsoft Office, the app will

Uh-oh this sounds very very bad to me. It sounds like I'm not allowed to install what ever the fuck I want on my OWN computer on the OS that I've bought and paid money for! Damn this sound like Apple. Ok, you can turn it off I guess, but still come ooon WTF!?

It's all about the $. Games will still work, it's about how much Valve and Blizzard and all the others make on them. They see it as Microsoft taxing them, and they are kinda right to see it that way. They've built good distribution systems a where counting on making shit loads of money through them. Now Microsoft is

Sammy's marketers should have given her a Note to flash around. BTW who is Kate Upton?

Kid's psychiatrists are loving the new Furby... A tsunami of new patients are heading their way ;)

It's all about education. If you have morons, people will die. Simple as that. If you'd spend half the money on education, what you spend on fighting wars in some foreign countries, these questions would never come up...

I left something out of my last comment, something for the developers. Since they are nearly all my countrymen, let me address them in Hungarian. If anyone is interested in the translation, I'll post it. Just one fun fact: "kínja" in Hungarian means "someone's agony", and I truly believe it's aptly named. Kinja is OUR

I love Giz, I really do, and all you witty journalists working there (even if we disagree on some things), but Kinja should die and burn in hell for all eternity!

Both of ya go to your room, till you learn to play nice!

Yeah, being a photographer for many years, even when there was nothing else but film, I got used to those yellow boxes. I haven't handled one for ages, but I'm still gonna miss them... Oh yeah and the black containers where totally the best for keeping bud, ehh I mean stuff, in ;)

I also love Gizmodo, but I have to agree with you. Why was the old system changed in the first place? It seems like this a sure way of driving people away from commenting...

Haha, the exact same reference I used back when they brought in Kinja... I really don't know what was the problem with the old one, it worked just fine, and was pretty easy to look through.

It's certainly a beauty. Hopefully the smarts are there too, and the price is right. Something to look forward to...

It was bound to happen eventually... Sad to see it go

Wonder what he occupied himself with when the camera was taking the shots. Once you program the rig, set everything, it gets kinda boring sitting by and doing nothing. You have to sit there, cause you're not gonna leave thousands of $ of equipment on it's own, especially in LA :)

It's gotten better, but it still needs a LOT of improvement. I mean crashing because you click on a link in a post is lame very lame.

It's called a "Tricorder", of course I'm gonna let him touch me, but his nickname better be Bones ;)

Very Metro... but really not too original