
Even if you do have religious beliefs that prohibit it, you should still donate your organs. Your religious belief are a pretty bad reason to let someone die.

Delighted to be wrong!!!!

Yeah, this'll totally win over the naysayers who don't believe us when we say feminism is about equality.

I don't really see why the focus has to be on women here; just non-violent offenders in general.

but what if your 30th cousin is a doctor?

This seems to be the most common reverse misunderstanding:

I'd love to see a questline that highlights some of his movies. Dressing as a nanny to help the orphans, Dressing as a robot, investigating a murder/suicide,playing with toys, a trip to exodar to hear "nanu nanu", things like that. I'd love to see that come to fruition

Agreed, totally unacceptable. I also wonder how big the restaurant itself is, and what type of building it is. Where I work, we have one in the women's restroom but not one in the men's, because it's just an old house converted into a restaurant, so the bathrooms are teeny tiny and there's issues with zoning stuff for


It's really hard to judge whether someone is acting against medical advice with good reason without having access to their personal medical records, which obviously we're not entitled to here. But after having a shocking number of friends post on Facebook that they're not vaccinating their children because they've

"Honey, we have to move the wedding to Santa Fe!"

My vote is- if someone smacks you in the genitals, you have a free pass. I didn't watch the video though, because I was worried I might be subjected to Tim McGraw's music.

You will take your disappointment back immediately or suffer consequences!

If I were the new family, I would offer to keep the dog until the rightful owner returns from overseas. That way the children get to play with the pup and the dog gets a nice foster home. Tell the kids now it's only temporary, and then when he comes home the children get a valuable lesson in doing something kind for

To correct people who make grammatical errors on forums?

On a good day I get about 100, on a REALLY good day it's about 180.

"...bar judges from taking parents' assets into account in determining child support..."

I liked when talent trees had gobs of stuff in them, theorycrafting was always one of my favorite things to do. Sure, they ended up a bit of a cluttered mess, but I had a lot of fun with my Shockadin back in BC!

I find it is mostly people who don't know shit about how politics actually work who say: