Her tweets and reaction to the reporter directly questioning seem to throw that out. But yes. Emma Stone is clearly perfect.
Her tweets and reaction to the reporter directly questioning seem to throw that out. But yes. Emma Stone is clearly perfect.
Everything else burns for me. Even most Old Spice. But Pure Sport manages to work. I’ll take smelling a bit off from what everyone might like in exchange for not having pain all day. But moreso—who can smell anyone else’s deodorant? If they can smell it, you’ve put too much on!
Everything else burns for me. Even most Old Spice. But Pure Sport manages to work. I’ll take smelling a bit off from…
I don’t understand why he needed to set up the staircase to the first HOLP in order to create the oasis. Could he not simply have built the second staircase (the one to the oasis) first and placed the HOLP in the spot the oasis was so that he could have made a cluster there?
I’m venting my rage against the BCO customers here. It’s been bottling up for a while.
At which point I hope you just grabbed him, said “What the hell was that you little shit?” and forced him to lick the subway platform as the doors repeatedly tried to close on his neck.
Agreed, but she never talked about any previous children. If she had muttered “I won’t lose these ones too” as she turned away from her kids in the boat that might have been one thing. But as the audience we were given no clues as to her having kids before, so assuming that these are her kids requires assuming that…
From a guy’s perspective, thanks for the info on the g-spot. I’ve never seen anything that mentioned a noticeable texture difference, and certainly never anything that said it’s actually a bump out. Interesting to know.
It took me a while but I’m finally seeing the bro-shake. Oh my god, my life is changed.
This is why research and teaching should be completely separate. I’ve never understood why the two are combined. People who are good researchers are not necessarily good teachers, and vice versa. I would love to teach at a university level, but have zero interest in doing research and publishing papers. I know I will…
I’ve had to call 911 a few times and have tried to follow the questions, but I also feel like some up-front statements might be helpful. Would it be worthwhile to say something like “I need an ambulance at [address] for a 50 year old male having a possible heart attack” right when the phone is answered, or should I go…
I think there might be some arrangement with the local driving school for an elective course on that.
Have not yet moved into the actual professional world, but I’m always annoyed when people assume that law students just sit around learning the laws. That’s really not how it works. Sure, we pick up a bunch of stuff, and the basics for a lot, in the process of learning how to be a lawyer. But my family and friends…
Orcs are naturally brown. The orcs began turning green because of exposure to the fel magic of the warlocks. The ones that turned red were because of directly drinking the blood of the pit lord Mannoroth.
Yeah, basically it’s ok to have basic-level macros through the game’s system. Basically things like “if I hold shift and my target is friendly, cast a damage spell on their target, but if I hold control and they are friendly, then cast a heal on them” are ok. Same with a key that, when hit repeatedly, will cycle…
I’ve never heard of a cashier being unable to ring out someone because of their (the cashier’s) age. I think my home state has a law against people serving alcohol in a waiting capacity if they are under 18, but certainly a 16-year-old working at a WalMart could sell beer (liquor would be a no-go because of…
Which is what the judge here certainly will be doing. Not sure why there’s a thought that this will be “fodder for the legal books.” It’s simply and straightforward, and the addition of the two-fathers thing actually complicates the underlying issues so it’s not helpful to learn doctrine. I guarantee this will be in…
I’m going to assume that even in the cracked-seal scenario the fecal matter is ejected downward rather than upward, coating the floor around the toilet but now getting up onto the sink counter. If I’m wrong, I don’t care. Don’t correct me. Please. Please.
Closing. The. Toilet. When. Flushing.