
So as citizen as one of the former socialist paradise of Eastern Europe I find your claims higly offensive. People of Venezuela right now fighting for their freedom from oppresive socialist dictatorship and without the support of USA they wouldn´t have a chance. Yes Trump is a fucking bastard, but Maduro and his

Whats ridiculous about it? Like my female abuser did something similar to herself, while I was recovering from injuries. And guess with whom people and DV advocate sided? And no it wasn´t me. So I believe him, at least about this part.

Well as a male  DV victim, I have to agree with him about this, because my abuser did something really similar after she beat me. So I 100% understand and agree with his sentiment. Is it misogynistic? Yeah maybe, but as old saying goes “fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me”.

My female abuser did something similar, while I was recovering from injuries, she did to me. And given the fact that majority people and DV advocates sided with her, yeah I believe him.

So you wanna replace democratic system with what? leftist totalitarian system?

I´m sorry, but she´s socialist and as non-american, from one of former socialists paradises of Eastern Europe, you CAN´T have justice and prosperity in socialist system (btw. no Nordic states are not socialist). Only things that you can have in this kind of system is oppression of disenting voices, gulags and


Do you mean the same thing muslims did to jewish people living in their countries? Look i know you are anti-semite and you want to see jewish people dead, but please, please be open about it

I agree, being pro-palestinian isn´t being anti-israel, it´s being anti-semitic, because you support terrorist and people who want every jewish person on earth dead

Do you realize that BDS support “people” who want every Israeli jew death? They support who deny holocaust? That they freely support murderers and terrorist and that they never condemned hammas and other terrorist organization who freely killing jewish people?

Or, and i know it´s heresy to say it, he was a victim and she was an abuser or at least murderer. And no i´m not trolling, bc i ´m man and victim myself and my abuser was women. Guess, with whom people like you sided when I needed help, just because she claimed that i abuse her. You know I was beaten like a dog and

I´m sorry but this is price, for letting white working class behind and for support fringe communities at the expense of others. Maybe if LGBT people supported working class struggle this wouldn´t have happened.

Oh, because unlike (and other feminist here) you we don´t project our insecurities into the other peoples relationship. What they did was completely legal, he never abused her and they started dating after she was over 18 years old and do you now, how we call people over 18 years of age? We called them adults. Look i

I never saw Training day, but I know something about Spartacus. And historically, itś really kinda Spartacus moment. You know, you have man, whom ancestors were slaves rising against Republican led state! and risking almost everything. Like only way you can go more Spartacus, is haven been crucified (and given the

Right know, i cannot give you the exact links (at least not in english), but at least for me and for communist propaganda (i´m from former eastern block country, and no I´m not ruskie, i´m Czech) orcs represented slavic barbarism and methaphore for rapid industrialization under the Soviet rule.

Maybe treat her same way like Turner or other pigs. You really don´t see stark difference between treatment of male rapist and her? Hell even your reaction was somewhat appologetic and instead outright condemning her, you tried to mitigate damage by higlighting her own victims status. Sorry but as male and victim of

Mccain didn´t murdered anyone, he was soldier carrying out legitimate orders and was defendin SV against communist aggression. Yes he probably killed some “people”, but as a person from former Eastern block country i have to say, that only good commie, is dead commie.

My child arrived just the other day;
Came to the world in the usually way
But there were Jams to watch and beer to pay.

1) As someone ho lived in communist totalitarian country, please don´t use the word opression. NOBODY in the USA is opressed, and by saying they are you are spitting at graves of members of my family who was killed by said regime. NO living born and raised American experinced opression and by claiming that they did

Congratulations, you got yourself banned from China for eternity :).