
He’s fine, he went on to make Nier. Just had to realize his full potential.

Or maybe he doesn’t wish to be inundated with politics when he goes to check out a video game website? It’s not unrealistic, actually. There’s plenty of other places to visit for that sort of news. However, I take no issue if the particular article meshes video games with politics, like this specific one does.

Whoa that escalated quickly ^^’ !

Its funny how the left is all about speaking out ... unless it’s speaking out against them

Exactly this. I come here to get away from this kind of journalism...

It seems like Jalopnik has become an echo chamber for political views that ignore both sides of an argument and agree with whatever MSNBC said this morning. I liked it more when it was about cars. I’ll take my clicks elsewhere so someone else can make their fractions of a penny on my viewership.

as the parent of tween girls, I can assure that this game is NOT meaningless if Bieber gets crushed.

I am both concerned and heartened to see he is skating again

Its really great to see him smile and having so much fun!

Not long ago Pronger couldn’t even skate let alone play without having severe headaches and post concussion symptoms. He talked about how difficult it was not even being able to play hockey with his kids. It’s a really great sight to see him playing again even if only in a meaningless celebrity game.

I just made a monthly recurring donation that was about what my 2017 raise was. I haven’t gotten used to having yet, so I don’t need it.

With so many anti-semites and racists in his intimate circle, I doubt this was a coincidence.

Still better than Destiny.

That haircut screams “I can be romanced by both”

Probably the same part that lets humanity’s first specter plastic his name all over the citadel stores in the form of second-rate endorsements for cheap weapon mods.

the space military, duh

It’ll be nice to see a father and son grinding together... No, wait a second!

Also knows as: spending enough time with family to get them to leave you alone.

How can I respond to you with your username without getting even slightly political? :(

you see so few action-oriented, emotionally distant women portrayed in any sort of media.