
What would it take for those working practices to stop? Tighter work schedule regulations? One or several people jumping from the top of the office building ?

He really looks like Wimbledon Tennismatch

If you want to get into RP in FFXIV you should check out

Yeah. Catering to those stupid lyme disease survivors! What a hack!

I always end up with the good Ciri-ending. It’s Ciri and I can’t leave her hanging even if i try :O

Ubisoft has a good direct PR-line to kotaku it seems. Cool of you do to the PR and de-escalating for them for their new game :)

let’s hope so!

True that. There is rationalizing and understanding for Kotaku Favs (Ubisoft, Rockstar,..) and then there are the the others. I wish media people would report much more critically on companies abusing their work force, subjecting them to work conditions that are increasing the likelihood of suffering from coronary

Jason, you say you want a nuanced discussion about microtransaction but then you launch ad hominem attacks at people not in favor of microtransactions and suggest they’re just clickbaiting when they have something against something you happen to like very much. What happened to you?

So... dumb question: What about separation of powers in legislative, executive and judiciary ?

Well. You’re not at jocks-united.com here, Tyler.

Then you know that most fanbois behave like cultists. Most of them are far too deep in the financial and ideological pit to admit that they’ve been duped.

This is not snacktaku.

can you elaborate on this?

Exactly. And the amount of people defending this practice here, that is in principle not different from what EA does and is frowned upon by a majority of gamers, is unreal. I guess EA and Ubisoft just have to do this long enough and at some point people are happy with Day 1 paywalled content, stat boost items, shoving

The amount of people trying to convince NoGas that that microtransaction stuff is all fine and dandy in this AC game is baffling to me. Not even a single negative word about Day 1 DLCs anymore? Not even on principle? People have all right to not be happy about this. Or is Kotaku fine with this? How about fighting

and then you’d go to prison. You didn’t give this enough thought:

Ubisoft games have a soul. You just need the definitive ultimate master soulpowered edition of the respective game, purchase all dlcs, wait a year after release for the bugfixes and then you will have a game with the same soul as the one released the year before. and the year before that. and the year before that. and

Yeah I know plenty of people who bought the books after playing witcher 3!

Considering that the right to the IP is a major requirement to make the witcher games, I’d expect that CD Project Red made pretty damn sure that the agreement included the right to make as many games as they planned to make with the license - that is, either three for the trilogy or an unlimited use license. I don’t