Kotaku is Islamophobic

Nah, it’s just that “gaming journalism” has decided that Steam is bad, so they are just gonna help everyone who’s against them. Just search “Exclusives are bad” here in Kotaku, just to see the disonance between how they handle EGS exclusivities and literally any other one.

Don’t disagree with anything you just said, but how do we go about “policing our own” when the label of “gamer” is so broad as to include millions of people who we likely have little in common with, other than a basic ‘interest’ in entertainment that is interactive?

Nothing excuses the threats and harassment the Ooblets developers have received. Nothing excuses the Ooblets developers’ needless provocation, either, and yet you continue to excuse it, and for what purpose?

Solidly team no one here. I’ve seen the internet harassment campaigns play out before, but the ooblet team’s pre-emptive response is incredibly shitty and passive aggressive, and so is telling patrons that they aren’t entitled to any special consideration when they helped fund the game, but can’t actually buy it

Seriously. Harassment isn’t the answer but the initial announcement of the EGS exclusivity was soooo bad. So bad that just reading it, I knew they were about to get pummeled worse than the other EGS exclusives.

If you get harassed, that’s definitely the fault of the harasser.

No mention of this?

Epic of course being disingenuous and ignoring the real reasons behind the Ooblets’ devs’ “harassment”

You’re really brushing off the level of snark in their announcement, and failing to mention how they addressed concerns about availability of their game in different countries with currencies not accepted by Epic’s storefront with a “you’re not entitled to our game” bitchy and not at all joking response (which sort of

Instead of talking about comics, today: how’s about we talk about the fact that this page (among several others across the Kinjasphere, going back almost a year for me) is CONSTANTLY TRYING TO LOAD IN EXCESS OF TWENTY TO FORTY DIFFERENT AD-BASED DOMAINS AT ALL TIMES? 

So in a nutshell they’re telling us, “We care more about the money we’re getting from the deal rather than what the people who buy our games think.”

^ This.
I was a huge Ooblets fan; been on their Discord a long while now, keep up with all their devlogs, etc... but I’m not okay with installing a Tencent-owned piece of software on my computer for a whole slew of reasons(such as not being okay with their aiding the PRC in the ongoing genocide and “reeducation” camps

The first sections are fine, ‘We are an Epic exclusive because Epic promised us a lot of money’. Great, that’s hard to turn down, we understand.  ‘Now we and our families feel more secure.’ Well good.

Im pretty sure having to pay more money because Epic is the only launcher that doesnt support my currency does have a negative effect on me but go off I guess.

While I support their decision to do what makes sense for their company, especially financially, it felt like their counterarguments were mixed between easy lob shots and fraught fallacies:

Yes, yes - you're one of your cool, enlightened gamers. The regular gamers are beneath you. If only we could all live up to your ideal.

Until we get some kind of actual verification of literally anything but anecdata that can’t agree on the source of this issue I’m just chalking this up to “y’all treat your controllers bad” because this hasn’t happened to any of the 5 controllers I’ve used. Wash your damn hands and stop throwing these things across

If you're having trouble with the story mode courses, you might want to reevaluate your desire to play Mario games. That said, it would be a great feature for testing stages.

I think people understate the anger of the fanbase. This National Dex thing (which was a problem since Sun and Moon though those games allowed you to keep every old pokemon, even if they don’t have a dex entry), is just the straw that camel back. There has been many details over all games that have accumulated and