Kotaku is Islamophobic

Did you miss the Red Jelly or something? Or the Living String? I guess the Living String is pretty missable, but the Red Jelly seems eminently farmable. But I don’t see how you’d end up skipping Living String when it’s connected to getting the first available Blood Rock.

Thank you for writing this. The multiplayer/coop in this game annoys me to no end and keeps this from being a 10/10.

4 paragraphs of the step-by-step process to play with your friends, and even then the game might decide to not let you play together. This is, by far, the stupidest, most frustrating part about this game.

I laughed when you called video game Youtubers “creatives”.

Could you please stop body shaming her? Who are you to try and control what can or can’t be worn by women?

Any time you spend on MH4U negates the time you spend on The Sims, so you are safe from pansiness.

Are you 4’5’’? I get wanting a small one but the larger one isn’t “human sized?” The Iphone 6 plus must have sent you screaming in terror.

“How did you learn to do all this?!”

“How’d you learn to do all this?” is only appropriate if someone is showing you something new they just learned or on a job interview where the candidate appears to self-taught. Otherwise it comes off as insulting.

If I were to walk on eggshells and edit all of my content before saying it aloud, wouldn’t that be even MORE insulting? Editing myself would presume that you are an overly sensitive twit who needs special handling, rather than just another person. Please, learn to take it as a compliment when people tell you seemingly

There’s nothing wrong with going into a series like Final Fantasy that’s known for having fantastic visuals and being hyped for the graphics. Especially since people are craving games right now that show off what the PS4 and Xbone can do

Yeah, okay, I’m thinking about it...

-Attack on Titan

Fire Emblem: Onii-Chan~ Edition

Why is this a problem?



Except for that pesky fact of it running the full version of windows. It's a laptop with the convenience of a tablet. It's not limited to what an App Store offers.

tablet = ARM

I''m kinda attached to base 2 math myself. Just look at my account name.