Kotaku is Islamophobic

I’ll just say this as a software engineer. Making a game is more than just coding or the creation of assets. Creating any piece of software requires some sort of software development methodology to be used, to ensure that multiple people are efficiently working together. The SDLC (software development life cycle)

Maybe it is because I watch anime, but I absolute looooove the art-style! I’ve never gotten into Star Ocean, but I might pick up this one if the reviews are decent.

Don’t worry mate, it is just my opinion. Atm, my list of watched anime is about 430 shows long, which is why I think anime like AoT or KlK are overrated. Except for SAO, because that is just objectively bad.

I disagree. If people are fine for paying $60 for a PS4/Xbone 5-10 hour western shooter/rpg, then I see no reason why $50 for a 50-100 hour JRPG is too much.

So Nostalrius is the only private server in existence? Are you stupid? Or can you not read?

1. This is one of many private servers. 2. 150,000 active logged into a single server is more than anything Retail WoW has ever accomplished.

Wait, what? Are you equating private servers to rape? That is idiotic, offensive, and absurd all at the same time.

To be honest, current WoW is terrible compared to how it used to be. I’d recommend a private Vanilla server named Nostalrius... oh wait, nvm ;_;

Besides from Jojo, the three anime with the best first episodes for me were Re:Zero, Kabaneri, and Sakamoto. I’d highly recommend that anyone with even a remote interest in anime watches the first episodes of these three.

This is about fans willingly playing on a private server because they prefer the old game over the new one. Are you going to claim that fans are wrong about what they find enjoyable?

Now playing

I’m being completely truthful. Try it for yourself. Just because you fought the enemy at the end for 2 minutes and did not break the surface of the combat, does not mean that the system itself doesn’t exist. Check these videos out for example:

Versus-XIII/XV has been known to have action-combat since 2006. Why are you even complaining? Go play Bravely Default if you want Square Enix’s turn-based combat system.

It is anything but simple. Have you actually tried the combat out for more than 1 fight? There are different movesets depending on whether you are on the ground or in the air, holding the control stick left, right, up, or down, or not holding it at all, after a roll, after a dodge, after a block, and by either holding

I’ve been playing games my entire life, and I’ve been a game developer for the greater part of the last decade, yet I’ve never heard of these guys. However, after this event, I’m pretty sure I won’t be subscribing to these guys anytime soon.

20 minutes in and this is already one of the top 5 worst events that I’ve ever watched lol. It is hilariously bad. I’ve been waiting for this game for 10 years, only for the worst ever comedy duo and a terrible script to try to kill the hype.

Calm down mate and stop being socially apathetic.

creative vision that most of us have

In terms of graphics, nothing else. Gameplay is up to creative vision, and Gamefreak has consistently brought out fun Pokemon games.

Have you played Pokemon X and Y? Being on a console wouldn’t make the series any better.

Sadly, you get a better experience(plus bigger selection) pirating manga and anime than actually paying for it. Fan-subs and fan-translations deliver better quality than official groups.