Kotaku is Islamophobic

But IE isn't bad anymore...

You can permanently lock on the camera if you press R3 while looking at the enemy... You just need practice.

Man was it a disappointment. I replayed Origins right before this came out to build up hype and all it had was the opposite effect. 20 hours in I stopped playing, lamenting the wasted $60. Maybe I should switch to the whole used-games thing...

I think you aren't looking at all. They have different clothes, models, and Noctis even got an entire face-job in the switch.

Then you don't play Monster Hunter :p

How long did you play? It seems you haven't figured out anything in the combat system...

Visually the demo looks like a remaster of a PS3 game.

Visually the demo looks like a remaster of a PS3 game.

Visually the demo looks like a remaster of a PS3 game.

Visually the demo looks like a remaster of a PS3 game.

Let me start off with what disappointed me the most:

it would be nice if the full target would keep the view snapped to the enemy, like Monster Hunter.

It is like neither. Think of it this way. The game has tons of world-changing events, and when each event happens, some quests are made unavailable, while others are available for the first time. Before each point of no-returns you want to make sure that all of the 'timed' quests are complete. For a completely

"At the moment, we have major titles such as Dragon Quest Heroes and Final Fantasy Type-0 HD," Matsuda replies. "In 2015, I believe we will offer a vast number of high-end games in both the domestic market and overseas. Now that we've already announced Final Fantasy XV, we will also reveal information on [another]

Many quest lines are made unavailable when you progress past a certain point in the story. Not to mention many quest lines have choices that lead to one quest line or another. Other than watching Chuggaaconroy's 100 episode let's play, who has spent over a year researching and recording to make it, you'd have to

So I guess you missed out on gems like Persona 4 and Xenoblade?

Assassin's Creed Unity:

I have nothing but respect for someone who isn't lazy when it comes to their hobbies.

Other than maybe improved graphics and an account system, how would the Wii U be improved? I already like it a lot more than my PS4 and use it for gaming only 2nd to my 3DS atm.

First, I'm not a civil engineer, but I don't understand how you can make an entire city in 5 years for 50 billion, especially one that is supposed to match Dubai...