Make this $300 or less and you got yourself a winner(with the right marketing of course).
Make this $300 or less and you got yourself a winner(with the right marketing of course).
Actually most of the time they are portrayed as badasses while the men are cowards. A very recent example would be Tales of Xilia, or the Final Fantasy XIII series.
I'm Egyptian and yes, you are correct. Believe it or not, we actually have Ancient Egyptian history incorporated into our curriculum. It is completely useless, but I guess it helps those who go into the tourism industry.
Eh, I mainly play JRPG's. Like 80% of them have female main protagonists. Though, I think nobody with a sane mine should listen to Anita. I'm a feminist, but I view her as bat-sh!t insane. We do NOT need women like her as our figureheads.
Pokémon already has a bunch of MMO features, and has always been an RPG... The thing is, fans never ask for an MMO, because they actually play the newer games and know that an MMO isn't needed.
Nah, I'd argue that it is scary. A massacre of people is happening on a daily basis and the world is doing nothing but watching.
Lol, thanks for the laugh. Your post was pure comedy gold.
I'd completely disagree. I'm sick of western developers and their 5 hour campaigns. Look at the east with their 50 hour epics.
This is especially great news for me considering that I just bought a Wii U and MK8 a few days ago!
In the same manner of others? Hell no. They offer a full-fledged game at the beginning, and then bring DLC half a year later to increase the content by 50%. Who else does that?
My family was dirt poor and I had an eReader full of books. Maybe you should stop complaining and learn that priorities need to be in order.
Umm, you do know that that had more than enough amps to kill a human, and that Voltage still matters with sufficient wattage?
Actually, it has been shown to bleed in an episode before, further adding to the mystery.
I wonder how many of you guys go outside. I see girls wearing "skimpier" clothing than this on a daily basis...
He had a Surface Pro 3 in the video.
Lol, funniest thing I've read all week.
I wish. They held back for my sake. I was never thrown in my nile river with my hands tied or left in the middle of the wilderness to make my way back. I didn't get a taste of those things until I was in highschool, while they did it back when they were 13.
I actually recently switched from Chrome to Internet Explorer. Honestly I can't believe that I didn't switch earlier.
Great article! Though now I'm horrified at the disconnect between my childhood and the childhood of modern teens. Back then people like Goku and Rocky were my heroes. Now, kids are immaturely being sucked into the world of drama where they used words like fake. thirsty, and chauvinist. Seriously, I don't even know…
I wonder if this applies to me. I'm Egyptian, and my skin is highly resistant to the sun. It is practically impossible for me to get a sunburn.