Actually, if everyone spoke like that, this world would be pretty awesome lol.
Actually, if everyone spoke like that, this world would be pretty awesome lol.
Wait, what? You think swearing is healthy? I see. I now know how deluded some people are on this subject.
I don't get it. It isn't healthy to be spewing profanity or trash talk when you are supposed to be having fun.
I completely agree. I do not see the thrill of it. Admittedly, the highest single-body water slide I've ever been on was 63 feet. However, it was just as steep, if not steeper, and without any safety equipment, and boy was that fun. This here is just a boring roller coaster.
The reasons people play World of Warcraft today are surely different from the pure reasons they once had all those years ago in 2004, when the game was first released. Maybe they play for community, to maintain the friendships that began all those years ago, in long-forgotten guilds, during long-forgotten quests,…
I'm not sure what that is, so probably not :p
You are completely missing my point, and from your argument, it seems that you would agree with me.
I'm "tired of it" even though I'm definitely not part of the problem. As an arab, I'm rarely depicted as a character that isn't a terrorist or villain in a videogame. Yet I won't blame the western videogame industry, because that is how the society that those game-developers live in are. That is what you see on the…
Not really.
I'm very disappointed that you have to be strapped down... That takes the fun away.
I really hope this doesn't become a trend. I find satiric simulators as funny as the next guy, but hopefully they don't keep getting coverage at the expense of possibly smaller games and indie titles.
What's a vegan?
Wait... What? I'm so incredibly confused. Either you are being sarcastic, or a million lives have been lost due to the influx of sheer nonsense this planet has just suffered.
Either way, Type-0 destroys both.
Sigh, this again... I'll let someone else speak for me this time.
To be fair, typing on an iPhone still doesn't work lol.
I laughed at your comment.
Honestly it just depends on the show.
Nah, you aren't crazy. There is most likely some sort of psychological reason why you thought that. I'm not sure whether it was intentional or not at Nintendo's part, or why it happens, but overall the song is awesome =)