Kotaku is Islamophobic

I'd rather not have Nintendo go the route of creating games designed to milk money from kids. Atleast with Pokemon, collecting them all is free, plus you actually get a quality game to play.

This made me laugh quite a bit. I honestly can't wait for Nintendo to dabble in VR. Like many things, they'll be the ones to get it right.

For 2014, 90% 3DS, 5% emulated PS2 games on PC, 5% PS3 games that I've missed.

Wow. I forgot how much money that the government wastes on national defense and healthcare. Honestly Education should be the priority.

It was a good game :O

Which means that you are still using all of the features of Touchwiz. Try using Nova Launcher over stock and I guarantee that you'd hate it. Btw, I also use Nova Prime on my Galaxy Note 3.

What muscles?

Ok, seriously, what is funny about this one?

Ah, a huge comment war between Christians and Athiests. As an Egyptian Muslim, I'll just sit back and read.

O rly? Please, tell me more. What games on the PS4 can outshine Super Mario 3D World, Pikmin 3, and Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze?

Have you played Pokemon Black and White?

Maybe it got big because of the well-made games, not the children's anime...

New visual cues—like one which shows up whenever you land a powerful attack, and one where players glow whenever they land a KO

Yes, because I must conform to the general opinion of everyone around me.

I said forget about it since I didn't want to argue with it. Do you understand? Forget about it. Shoo, bad dog.

What does non-gaming functionality have to do with gaming? A games console is about games, nothing more, nothing less. In terms of games, the Wii U has out-gamed the other game consoles for the moment. Games.

You first.


I don't consider Zombie U next-gen. Games that I'd consider next-gen are Super Mario 3D World, Pikmin 3, and Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze. Next-gen to me isn't about graphics or gimmicks, but true and wonderful innovations in gameplay.

The second screen doesn't have to be utilized at all for the game to feel next-gen to me. Not to mention that it doesn't matter if a game is a part of an established series or a new IP. By your logic, no Legend of Zelda title could ever be considered next-gen. Heck, Ocarina of Time wasn't revolutionary because the