
no sorry, you cannot pick and choose, you supported this awful dialog system for years when you all went out en masse to buy the shitty mass effect series, you praised it and hyped it, and this is why fallout has mass effect’s shitty dialog system. thank yourself for influencing developers to thinking that was ever a

disagree completely, ni no kuni is perfect entry level jrpg very accessible, very awesome, good story, AWESOME voice acting, good characters and very well done on pretty much all fasets of the game

this is a badly written article

another badly written clearly “sponsored” article

to everyone wondering what he meant

who the fuck are you to determine what the price should be? you aren’t the consumer, you’re a clickbait article writer for SJW publication currently being sued for 100 million for hosting videos of a man having sex without your permission

patrick klepek long time advocate for media censorship writes article apologizing for media censorship by comparing video games to “one step away from porn” , next up.. violent video games and how he thinks they are “problematic” !

you going to write about how you didnt think making 15 articles about how massively offended that a woman has breasts somehow affected this decision?

why si this picture of a naked woman on the front page of gawker media?

why do you morons cry so much? if they didn’t do this, you’d be waiting 5+ years for it to come out

or just buy a used ps3

last i checked kotaku ran several pieces shaming FFXV for having a female character

obviously you do not respect them when you refer to them as a company as “problematic” for not hiring people based on their skin color.

headline should read : “journalist outraged, calls equality PROBLEMATIC”

are you implying that a gunslinger , a ninja, and a soldier are all original concepts that blizzard came up with?

editor commentary bitching about a genre thats massively successful and extremely popular

dont think you understand what PS now is

not just that but he’s advocating piracy over developers supporting long-dead games that are impossible to get now for reasonable prices

when you say stupid shit like that , you are just saying “wah they didn’t make a blank slate bald space marine character where i can self insert!”

its not a good game, period. for it to be up there with the likes of MGS1 COD4 is just sad. this entire list is pretty terrible tbh. it isn’t consistent and just looks like a SJW’s attempt to shoe horn in their shitty games in a line up of the best games of all time.