what a lovely complaint you made with absolutely no specifics
what a lovely complaint you made with absolutely no specifics
116 favorites because thats how fucking stupid the readers of this website is
your countries are actively bombing theirs, they are retaliating
there are random encounters where you can get other dogs, i ran into a guy selling a rottweiler, there was a speech check and i failed it reloaded my save and never got the encounter again
“wah! im a youtuber! look at me! im a special snow flake and only bad things ever happen to me! its 10,000!!!”
why are SJWs sexist towards men and only care about the depiction of women?
its called a proxy, not very fucking hard to understand
considering people have been spamming the spoiler for fallout 4 for weeks now, and posting NDA breaking screenshots and spamming racial explitives and not getting banned - i dont think steam will ban anyone for a vpn
you write like a retard who doesnt understand the basics of competent writing
well we already had the entire story arch spoiled by the incompetent pre-launch press copies getting into hands of people fucking streaming the entirety game, might as well spoil the fucking character creator as well
you kiddies who take 1 course in psychology then constantly referencing like the 4 buzzwords they tought you over and over is worse than any form of christians getting upset
lol like 5 bruises and this guy’s career is ruined, bet the bitch did it to herself
a random retard commenting on the gawker media clickbait site talking about how he knows better business decisions than the company which has made billions
never never never buy amd, thats all you need to know. just never do it. and you’ll be better off. everytime its amd users complaining, everytime, its always issues with amd cards. nvidia never has issues.
you dont need shops to make your fat sausage fingers more creepy than they already are, you pathetic manchild , nobody wants to see your ugly neckbeard either.
anything pewdiepie says is irrelevant as he said to the money he makes is more important to people than those soldiers make overseas, the ones that get shot at.
everytime i see things like this in the news, it just shows the dev team is more interested in inserting gimmicks into their game rather than improve the actual gameplay. like with battlefield’s animation team having 1:1000 unique reload animations . i’d rather they improve the actual game animations and core gameplay
uh no, you fucking retard. some of us have jobs that give us maybe 2-3 hours of free time a night. we dont have TIME to sit there and play some obscure shitty JRPG for 60+ hours. it would literally take a year.
they offered to refunds to anyone who purchased the game prior to this rerelease