
Forever 21 usually is marketed toward teenagers so it’s not too surprising that a normal sized adult woman would be a size XL by those standards.

If you’re the guy investing money to create the game of course you want your money to go toward a game that is going to generate revenue for an extended period of time than a game that has a short/finite lifespan.

I’d be careful talking about our well-respected transpiration secretary and her well-regarded shell of a human being husband like that.

Those women probably wouldn’t be as entertaining on television as these women who clearly as hardcore Trump supporters and made for great television.

I’m guessing the next presidential administration will want to last more than one term so none of what you said will happen.

Yes, prices for a resource that has a record-high supply and a slowing demand is going to climb back up.

Well folks, looks like we found Tomi Lohren’s alt account :)

To be fair WWE has a more representative and diverse cast than Empire

So you’re 19 that means you likely haven’t been through a single economic downturn and have zero debt or obligations.

Didn’t Grande’s performance have a bunch of other singers join her? I’d imagine that she had to pay them out of her $8 million.

Everybody wins in that situation, you don’t have to complain that you don’t get paid enough to buy a house in the bay area and they don’t have to pay you enough to afford a house in the bay area.

Yeah, it looks good. The front-end looks straight off a Kia Niro but we all get inspiration from somewhere 

I think they have a good strategy of starting out with Audi interiors then probably finding ways to reduce the cost to make it work for a Volkswagen. The end result seems to be an interior that is almost luxury-quality with the differences pretty hard to notice.

To be fair people point at global warming as being the cause of hot stretches so it’s a reasonable enough and equally illogical argument to view a cold snap as proof of global warming being false.

I mean I can be mad at George Zimmerman being found innocent, hundreds of cops not facing any murder charges, and still think that Jussie was guilty and deserved jail time. It’s not all mutually exclusive.

I mean I can be mad at George Zimmerman being found innocent, hundreds of cops not facing any murder charges, and still think that Jussie was guilty and deserved jail time. It’s not all mutually exclusive.

I think it’s the likely Adderal/Ritalin that she was taking. Amphetamines have different effects on different people but a lack of blinking is definitely an effect for some.