
Don’t need to know more. It’s made by Supergiant Games so its an instabuy.

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Naked giant-killing simulator get! Attack on Titan: Wings of Freedom will be coming to the West on August 28. The Koei Tecmo game will land on Xbox One, Steam and last-gen and current PlayStation platforms. You can read about the Japanese version of the game here and here.

I think if I spent thousands of hours making a game, I’d code it so every NPC the illegal downloader passed flipped change at my character (even bosses), while they muttered things like “poor guy”, “here, buy yourself something to eat”, “sorry you are so hard up, don’t worry, things will probably pick up for you in

How does one eat wine? Is both a fork AND knife required? Or is this something done with soup bowls and spoons? Are their specific rich-people wine bowls that I am not privy to?!

I’d love to see this in motion. Preferably where the computer doesn’t burst into flames.

For everyone looking to jump on board the cry-engine train now, Humble Bundle just released their newest bundle that features all sorts of assets for the engine. Might be fun for people who are getting into it.

This should really be another side mission for Nick...

If the stunts that went wrong on all his movies didn’t kill him I suspect nothing will.

They should remaster Black and release a sequel.

Calm down there, Satan.

Dude did you even read the letter and Doug’s response before jumping to your own ill-conceived conclusion that anyone who poses this question really is just looking for an excuse to steal the car?

... It’s insane that just playing this game on an SNES emulator is better than playing the actual official PC release.

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Rowan Atkinson before he did Mr Bean, yes. The man has a fantastic comedic range. One of my favourite skits of his is just him reading a list of stupid names in a serious voice, and making it hilarious.

I know A LOT of people who aren’t buying Star Wars Battlefront because its missing a story campaign. If it had that I think more people would be willing to make the initial investment.

Super Super Saiyan Ultra II Turbo Final Impact Blue

damn you Disney