
This one feels so Samurai Jack that it hurts >.<

What in the Gtoihjdnzgofdsgjn. I will have nightmares of this.

I remember Project Kara and wanted it to turn into a game SO BAD. Super stoked to see it happening!

Thank you so much for posting this! I’ve been looking for a place to learn something like this for years and had no idea how popular/widespread it was. The video was really good as well!

Looks like I am going to play CS:GO tonight for the first time in a long time.

My thoughts exactly!

Dat Buu, tho.

And now I miss playing some D&D!

As someone who backed this, I was SUPER stoked when I received the email this week about it going to Greenlight as I thought the rights transfer had killed the project outright, and they were getting ready to push out refunds or something. WOO WOO! All aboard the hype train!

Famous last words.

I would buy a game with NOPE rockets....

I read the “Get over yourself” part in Scorpion’s voice. It made your comment resonate more with the story (ha ha cosplay). I have amused myself for the day. /moves on

I am such a filthy casual......

And..... I pre-ordered.

Welp, looks like my wallet is taking a hit as soon as I get home from work....

I always get so close to the next barrier/score and then get trounced by 3 monsters in a row. End game difficulty can be a pain. Or I just suck ^^

Same! I still load up 10000000 every once in awhile until I ragequit, but something always keeps pulling me back to it.

Just yesterday, I was venting to my fiance about work on the way home. In the middle of my tirade, we happened to drive by a house that had a gorgeous Siamese sitting on the porch and, mid sentence as soon as I saw it , I went all “D’aww it’s a Siamese!” which caused her to burst out laughing because I had essentially

Like the author of that article, I regularly go back and play SoTN at least once a year. Recently, I thought I may have lost my original disc (still have my original PS1 disc I bought 15 years ago) and when my fiance found it, I was so stupidly happy I almost cried. Many good memories come from that game, including

For a game that has “investment support covering most of the costs” the tiers on the kickstarter page seem rather steep to me.