
thanks for saying the seinfeld skit was the highlight of this show. i ffed to it, and it was embarrassingly unfunny. now i know i don't have to waste any more time on the rest of the crap. and i love charlie day.

"depending on how good of parents you had" reflects how bad of english teachers you must have had.

"…the total amount of time in which the show takes place is very short…the events themselves take place over a very short period of time,

jesus, it's just an episode of the office.

separated at disneyland LOL

todd, a tip on how to tighten up a mostly good recap: avoid using unnecessary words. for example, instead of:

jesus christ, you're so long-winded and boring. just give us a brief recap and opinion. it's not fucking ulysses for god's sake.

"When the niece asks to go to a hip rock club, Louie gives his niece that expression…." Instead of repeating "niece," you could've replaced "his niece" with "her" (or "him," if you want to be pc about it). That's what pronouns are for.

"Before she performs, the stand-up comedian is given…"? "She" should read "he." Hooray for being all pc and shit, but Louie is the show you're writing about and it almost never features stand-up comediennes. Pardon the gender-specific word, but you called attention to this nonsense by inserting the obvious pc pronoun

glad i'm not the only one who finds the whole spy thing ludicrous.

good writeup. the possessive of gus is gus's.