
Wrong. You are NOT allowed to then take a picture of that picture and use it commercially without first obtaining a license for commercial use.

there would be comments I’ve seen in America

The song is kinda meh, but moderate & catchy. It looks like the choreo is actually cute & fun and pretty simple as far as kpop choreo is concerned, so maybe plenty of dancing around the world, now.

You’re talking nonsense. It has nothing to do with Clinton being, “a woman”. Certainly your brain can remind you that Democrats were incredibly divided on her, as well, and if it weren’t for the, “anybody but Trump” rhetoric (which is fine, conservatives had “anybody but Killary”), she wouldn’t have had near the

But there are certainly worse cults to be in, so as far as cults go, this is, once again, “the bare minimum”.

Exactly. People seem to be upset with Microsoft while gloating about Final Fantasy and other games being exclusive.

There are numerous accounts of symbols or words being co-opted by an entity, given a completely different meaning from the original, and essentially no longer able to be used especially by the people who used it first.

Why? I didn’t bring that up. I brought up the swastika.

Fuck nah bruv, just cuz those racist fucks decided to co-opt the okay symbol doesn’t make it theirs.

I see auto racing has not escaped the crazy that is 2020.

I would challenge that assessment.

They’ve already got an Xbox out there...

Took me a moment. I actually thought you were being trollish and giving it a score for a moment.

With the Joker pack being available two weeks prior to the end of the current season, I feel like we might actually have some sort of integration OR a DC season. Could be wrong.

I remember when Iron Man was teasing its initial release and everybody was upset that it was going to be such a bad movie. They said nobody cares about Iron Man, he isn’t a popular character, blah blah.

I see you have not been elsewhere.

This is why fighting back with your wallet never works.

Yes. Don’t buy the game. Make them very well aware via phone calls, emails, tweets, letters, etc., that the reason you are not buying it is because if the censorship and favoring China’s policies.

There is a rumored 4th limited edition but I can’t see it in the photo.

you can just buy Bomberman for 10 dollars and play it all you want with no other fees.