
Thank you for the two articles. I understand there is a lot of frustration and we absolutely need to find the problem and fix it, but—and this does not even only happen with police killing black men—we stop when we find the first problem and try to fix that rather than find the underlying reasons behind why the

If 100 black people are stopped by police (with or without reason) and 1 is murdered, that is 1%.


Once again, a very thoughtful and considered response. I sincerely hope that you make your way to some kind of influential career, if you have not already.

I read your entire comment and I have a few things to say, but I won’t be nearly as involved and detailed as you:

No cop should ever fire on a violent offender/suspect?

“Black folks get carded, harassed, stopped, and searched in greater numbers than white folk”

See? That would be interesting.  IT would also be interesting if every season or every episode they had completely different jobs and there’s absolutely NO comment about it in the story.  They could re shoot some flash back scenes if they wanted, or they could even keep them as cops in flashbacks then have Boyle make

This isn’t slippery slope, this is “already happened” and “already happening” slopes and you just want to be an egregious ignorant fool who believes anything that the social majority will say so that you can feel confident and powerful and strong or whatever absolute piece of trash bullshit you want to stuff at people.

It really isn’t the opposite in most situations. In fact, the VAST majority of situations do not end in a shooting. It’s troublesome to think that ...

Really? With Giant Asian Murder Hornets, Aliens, Australian Brush Fires, worldwide Protests, someone DDoSing the entire US a few days ago, dismantling of police forces across the US, you didn’t see Blackachu in your Pokemon Crystal Pokeball?

Yeah, doesn’t it suck to realize it isn’t just whites OR Americans?

Obviously not, Chaddy boy.  Ciao.

Wow that was literally the dumbest take.  If you don’t understand what was implied, then go back to school, buddy.

And Taiwan told WHO about this in 2019, and WHO basically ignored it. I’m not saying our response was correct, I’m saying we’re all being angry at one group because they are the people you already hate. The real problem started at WHO, who had a Tweet in mid January saying there was still no evidence of human to human

No. We absolutely did not do the quarantine to “fix” the problem. We quarantined specifically to keep the hospitals from being overburdened.  Anybody who thinks otherwise is woefully mistaken and misinformed.

Suddenly on about games, now?  This is getting ridiculous.  Games are games.  You have murderbeasts in games, you have sexual assault in games, you have all kinds of nonsense in games but now we need to fix this one aspect of games because a few people are screaming loudly for it to happen?   This is absolutely

1980 called and wants their 2000s tech back, or at least royalties.

“The police officer killed him and that is a bad thing, but if he was on the right side of the law the police officer wouldn’t have been needed”.

100% true. Give me the whole truth. Tell me the founding fathers had slaves, tell me they bought them from black slave traders, tell me the police are incredibly racist and brutal but also tell me that looting, arson and violence is bad (but that most of the protesters are peaceful until you make a wrong turn by