
Can you give us some further insight into the world of Chinese gaming? Are there any good Chinese games or consoles?  Are there publications that are allowed to review games independently or is there CCP oversight, etc?

Xiaomi is an Apple clone? lol I have my wife's iPhone and my Xiaomi and they are not at all the same...

1 - Mass shootings are but a tiny fraction of gun violence.

but obviously not with super speedway aero kits...

Good question - Tencent is also involved in the Mr. Roger movie...

You mean like... buy ten Switch Lites so I’ll rake in $200 per month? That’s... how much? $2000 for ten SLs, right? Plus tax? So basically $2100? To get $200 per month?

Whereas mine calculated my hundreds of hours of Euro/American Truck Simulator, Civilization games, RPG’s like Child of Light and Tales of Vesperia and suggested I buy.... Tropico 4. I’ve played Tropico games and have a few in my library. They’ve been played for just a few minutes to an hour.

So the “legally moral” guy is the dick in this situation?  Fancy.

This English major also understands scientific concepts such as magnetism. Don’t lump me in with that nonsense. :P

Look, this is dumb. It is now a black mermaid being oppressed by family only to find a rich, handsome man who may or may not be white himself. Yeah. Good job. Also there are much better actresses who are not white.

It’s not like there is some big, worldwide soccer tournament happening, right now, in which the American team is typically the odds on favorite for winning.

When I search for things, I search for guides with pictures.  If I can only find videos, it’s not worth it to me.

I disagree. The moment you start expecting “a statement”, you start forcing developers to take sides, politically. The moment you do that, you lose a significant portion of the consumers. Entertainment isn’t for statements, it’s for entertainment. If you’re not entertained it should be because of the game, not because

I’m disappointed that all their commentary is in regards to the actual real world aspect of what they saw and had nothing at all in character or in world.  Those mini-pyramids would be great fodder for RP but naah.  -_-

Just get J.K. Rowling in here to say he’s gay and we can call it a day.

That sounds exactly like these dumbass guys who like to talk about surprise sex being the best kind of sex, with a nod and grin which makes it obvious they’re not talking about surprise consensual sex.

They regularly add free content to both games, and they also seem to run on a yearly expansion for both games.  This year it seems like ATS might get a second.  That’s why you end up having a huge size difference, because ETS has had a decade of free content and cheap expansions whereas ATS is still relatively new.

I also recall that there’s a new GPS voice for American Truck Simulator and that is the voice of The Witcher, if I recall correctly, so on top of being a mainstay of the most played games, there’s that extra incentive.

Calling the story a trainwreck is an insult to trainwrecks everywhere.

Plus, I don’t need what was already a sixty plus hour RPG doubling or even tripling that number over the course of years.