
Or the Gamestop exclusive “Diablo II: Premium Refurbished”

Maybe that’s intentional? If the refresh rate is too low and gives players nausea, force them to get tired before then.

Yeah, I remember using it for a bit. I even changed to the female voice option as a male, then realized I didn’t actually need to change it for people to think I was a girl, already. -_-

FYI, while it wasn’t a thing we could change very much, the original Xbox Live, way back released with the original Xbox, had this option, already. 


Or, for another example, in 2011, you can overthrow a government and initiate emergency elections so you can rehire the government you just overthrew, just to make it democratic instead of dictatorial.

Sounds like the last scripted show you watched on CBS was NFL but semantics amirite?

Here is where you are wrong: loot boxes always give you “something” whereas gambling rarely gives you anything.

Jimmie Johnson. :)

And my cousin married a Japanese women and lived in Japan for decades. Their children are, whoa, Japanese. I’ve followed Japanese culture for 25 years. We had Japanese students in the house (and brought some interesting material that we had to trash) in the late 90s. It’s not like I’m some goober who knows nothing.

I took a teen from Phoenix to Las Vegas for a Japanese pop concert once.

Almost as if the original comment meant exactly that...

More like AOL merged and took charge, told Turner they weren't interested.

I am looking forward to the presidency of that Democrat female that is intellectually equal to Trump, and excited to see how all the liberals defend her.

So clever. “I can’t argue with this person so I’m going to call him a pedophile.”

The fastest way to prove you’re an idiot is to ignore the facts and call the other person a pedophile. (Or was Elon Musk totally awesome when he called the British guy in Thailand a pedo simply for living in Thailand?) Again, you’re a blithing idiot.

First of all, you sound like an absolute disgusting garbage piece of human trash with your judging and ignorance. Second...

Tanya Harding.

So... what about the presidential campaign of Deez Nuts?

It sounds like you spend enough time in both for it to be concerning.