Okay, I get that you are on your soap box but maybe you should check the link showing that America is the most racist country ..and read it before someone calls you out for intentionally misrepresenting the truth.
Okay, I get that you are on your soap box but maybe you should check the link showing that America is the most racist country ..and read it before someone calls you out for intentionally misrepresenting the truth.
Hey old fart. As a mid-thirties player who typically gets 0-5 kills per game, I can recognize that the vast majority of top players are in their mid-twenties...well beyond tween.
I feel like hallways are generally a straight line, so if you have seen one or even two, you can make assumptions as to the hallway itself. It likely will not suddenly decrease or increase in width so if you see your coworker at a point where there is enough space for two people then there always will be enough room…
Stay neutral.
I mean... blueberry diarrhea traffic jam?
I am laughing at your idiocy.
She used language that heavily implied the comment came from a sexist perspective, then shouted down any possibility of another human being raising the same question.
Etha, Ethan, Ethan.... what basically happened was this:
I played constantly for about three or four weeks. I regularly got killed early due to terrible plays by me. I finally started dropping in Tilted Towers and “practicing” because yes, the deaths were quick, but also yes, more experience. Now I feel much improved and enjoy the 50v50 mode quite a bit.
Kinda funny how little you must know of music. I think maybe zero current musicians are original if we are going to follow your nonsense.
Is it confirmed that this will be available across all systems or is it ps4 only? :p
I mean, obviously. I’m aware of the fact that I was making a joke and you replied as if I were serious.
What I’m wondering about is whether or not he has been scolded for not dropping to the ground and flailing about like a fish? Seriously, we have on video someone literally kicking a ball in his face and he just stands there and takes it like a real man? What’s wrong with him! GET THAT GOAL POST A RED CARD RIGHT THIS…
I have been in and out of the gray so often I am having monochromatic dreams.
It is rhetoric like this that ultimately divides, regardless of the place it comes from or how correct or how near correct it may be. It’s literally racism to say a group of people of a certain race has these negative traits and thus we should treat them a certain way because of it, yet it is exactly this kind of…
But ultimately doable.
How did you not include the rainbow cake thread? I mean... seriously. That was Reddit, right?
I mean, it’s cool that they have teams that will try to produce content every 6-8 weeks and think it’s so epic, but I remember paying $9 per month for new content every 4 weeks from a similarly sized team. This game is solid and the updates are great, but we’re sitting here talking about how great it is that bigger…
I burned an adoring fan...