
It doesn’t need one. Cant is a word. The phrase is also, technically accurate.

Question: when a poc makesa decision you disagree with, are YOU morally superior to the person you are defending? What gives you the right to decide FOR A VICTIM how the VICTIM should respond or how she should feel?

As someone married to a person of color who is also a soon-to-be immigrant, this white dude has a regular excursion into that territory.

So... you’re cool with me if I dial up 911, put on my good acting and pretend I’m hiding in your house and you’re on a rampage? What if I called the news and told them, too? Nobody knows what’s really going on...

I’m sorry, the fact that you can even say that you prefer to put the blame on the middle man rather than the person who is instigating the negative behavior in the first place just makes you a rotten human being.

Wait, I’m confused... was I, as a white person, not allowed to watch the movie in theaters on opening night? Based on my skin color?

I am sure the Axalta 24 driven by William Byron would be a good choice. I prefer Chase Elliot, myself.

So..”long time no see” is the literal translation of the phrase in Chinese. Not saying you are wrong, just saying my Chinese professor had a different story.

Yeah, uh, what? First thing’s first, I guess, there is nothing about Huawei or ZTE devices that make them any more spy-capable than anything else the United States approves. I would wager the problem—IF THERE IS ONE—is that the US government can’t spy on these devices as easily as others. But let’s not forget—or in

Watch how the “Asians” end up being Korean and Japan erupts in anger while Americans are like... uh?! THEY ARE ASIAN WHAT IS WRONG?!

I dunno.. when you sign a contract, you abide by that contract. You can fight like hell if the contract is wrong, but you get fired if you break that contract.

Great! Now TSA agents will screen for “paper objects”. :P

What’s wrong with shredded wheat and a little sugar? It’s one of the most delicious combinations! Other great cereals not getting the love: puffed wheat, puffed rice, golden grahams...

Like.. I just can’t with the Chinese... I just can’t. Sorry, Chinese always wins. Always. 总是.

Look, here’s the deal.

There was an article recently about some guy who accidentally went to the wrong house party and then he was a dick to everyone when he got to the real house party, so... don’t be that guy?

Personally I find it gratifying that someone paid millions of dollars to pretend he is someone else is at least willing to rough it himself. He isn’t looking at something dangerous and saying, oh hell no, someone else do this.

3 only? Geez, I thought I officially worked at the most hated employer in the United States and I don’t get fired until my 9th “occurrence” and even then, if I talked with someone about it and had managed to do a good job up until that point, I could get some approved.

Some of these things I can agree with, and some of them I can’t. I feel that if I were tasked with writing some kind of bill that might make me happy while also keeping the list intact, I would be unable to do so.