Gamblers are deranged? Come on man, quit perpetuating negative stereotypes.
Gamblers are deranged? Come on man, quit perpetuating negative stereotypes.
I love the Wrangler, but I can’t bring myself to buy a FCA product.
LOL not at all, I love snow...especially like driving in it!
Yeah, all of the major players use AEM (it’s a CMS, similar to Wordpress or Sharepoint) up there.
Good to know...I know that my industry (Adobe AEM) is pretty prominent up there. I almost moved to Canton, MI (before we moved to Dallas).
LOL anything to get you through the day
Where are you from?
My Spanish is getting better from trying to decipher used cars for sale ads on FB.
Graphics aside, this would be ideal for me.
LOL man, those housing prices are great. I think that the cheapest option that I could find (3/2) is a condo for $550K here.
Cool, you’re NW of where I am. I really like Richardson (used to work there when I was at AT&T).
Oh, I can dig that man. That would be worth the long(er) commute.
I wonder if it’s wealthier than where I live in Dallas (Park Cities).
What part of Dallas do you live in? I live in the Park Cities area (University Park).
A proper saloon. Her Majesty would be pleased with this.
I was thinking the same thing Carl.
What we know:
1) Bought a (presumably more expensive) “forever home” (I really hate that phrase)
2) Hubby has a new FoST and older Miata
What we can assume:
1) Higher mortgage/insurance/upkeep on said home
2) High(er) insurance on vehicles
3) Furniture to fill home
I completely understand…
I drove this and liked it a lot more than I thought that I would. It’s now the one that I would get, if I were looking for a small luxury four-door.
LOL I hope so, plus they should be small(er).
Hell, it was 7 miles roundtrip (last gig that I had to go into work everyday).
Perfect for a Tillamook livery special
I think that once we get settled somewhere more permanently, I’ll probably pick one of these up. I tend to live close to work/gym/general shopping, so the range isn’t a concern.
Wow, I never thought about that. My son is only 14.5 years away from driving, (to him) Leaf?