More advice: if you're on PC use the Friendly HUD mod to use floating quest markers and get rid of the minimap.
More advice: if you're on PC use the Friendly HUD mod to use floating quest markers and get rid of the minimap.
Ugh, Catalyst. It's a game made by people devoid of passion for their project. Aside from the soundtrack I can't even think of a single part of that game that even reaches the same level of quality as the first, and while I love Mirror's Edge, it had some glaring flaws.
What about MGSV? I heard that game had a great female character!
That's true. I don't think uncovering the map, while common, is strictly necessary; what's important is that the exploration and experience of the game world be primarily driven by the player completing every activity/collectible marked on the map in each area. Does that work?
That's a separate (but often overlapping) grouping, to me. A sandbox game will (probably) be open world but will prioritise giving the player an array of toys and abilities to complete the game's goals in their own way and create their own fun. It definitely includes GTA and Elder Scrolls, as well as Minecraft,…
Woah dude, don't force them to share their secret. Let's just have them direct it towards the current administration.
I don't know, I kind of like it. 'Open world' can actually be somewhat vague. Is Dark Souls open world? What about Firewatch? Or LA Noire? These games all have large, unbroken worlds but they don't play in the same way as 'map game.' Those tend to put their emphasis on uncovering sections of the map (usually by…
Yeah I'd need some specifics. Wouldn't any hunter-gatherer group bear some resemblance to native tribes?
Is this a real question?
It's definitely not. At first I thought you were actually quoting someone.
Mass Effect.
Y'know, a proper Batman Beyond movie could be really awesome.
I don't know why I care, but it is a very bizarre sentence.
Counter-scenario: Four years of Trump using inevitable terrorist acts to scare the populace and motivate his supporters while also taking dubious credit for a rising economy. The milquetoast Democratic nominee fails to win many hearts and minds, and the bullshit thrown at the media by Bannon proves difficult for them…
2016 is fucking horrible, but I worry we'll only get a twenty day reprieve and then 2017 will be comparably awful.
Reminds me of the NDP (Canada's "socialist" party) in our last election. Instead of unabashedly being the left-wing party, they tried to court the centre…in an election where people were sick and tired of Harper and Justin Trudeau was leading the Liberals. I'm pretty certain they're in a worse place now than they…
I'm not even sure they know what they want. They've been voting for decades for people who've put them in their current economic circumstances.
I agree with your first sentence but not the second. A Democratic candidate who wasn't Clinton would have won without having to cater to Trump supporters, and even then she won the popular vote.
Can we count millennials as one of them? Didn't the majority of them vote for Clinton?