Vinz Clortho

I live in among the bluest of blue states. If I wanted to cast a protest vote and go with the party of my registration, I would, but the party of my registration ran Jill Stein. Instead, I voted for the only qualified candidate, Hillary Clinton. My first vote for a major party candidate (Nader in 08, pre-batshit crazy

Eating his way out.

“Sorry to burst your bubble, but America isn’t going to change whether Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump becomes President”

But it being California, there are eleventy million propositions to vote on. Hell, one of them is to repeal the death penalty - something I would expect him to support, considering the racial bias in its application.

Kneeling disrespectful troops matter - this is YOUR country! Voting to rearrange my black balls?!..words entitled grandfather lives by. Foot the United States! Take patriot freedom!

What was Andy Reid doing in that whale’s stomach?

Whats he protesting again? Winning football games?

I think Trump cares about police shootings. He just thinks there aren’t enough.

Deadspin writers decided to publicly document all the ways they think they are above the election and reinforce the fact that even when faced with actual racist fascism, reminiscent of Nazi germany, white dudes don’t have much to fret about. 

It’ll never end, but Deadspin is sleeping on the couch for awhile.

I don’t know what he’s hiding, but I have a good idea where he’s hiding it.

Troops the flag my grandfather patriot disrespectful entitled this country United States football freedom black lives matter kneeling voting

they’re openly shitting on Deadspin, and it’s great

I think he’s out of a job November 9. My bet, Loretta Lynch will be the one to pressure him into resigning.

Off to play on Facebook! Although I assume my “friends” have moved on to claiming Hillary is working some hydrogen bomb scheme with Xenu.

I’m sure they’ll declare it over and over again on message boards far and wide. And then they won’t do anything in the real world.

Reality is well known to have a heavy liberal bias.

Part of the Light Years Ahead Strategy, #LYAS, The Warriors have pivoted to Curry not making 3's. It’s going to disrupt the NBA and is all part of their bold, innovative culture.

Nobody writes an SNL Donald Trump sketch quite so well as Donald Trump.

Are we in the Post Peak Steph era or what?