
Right? If someone invented a nicely draped wool coat that could have kept you warm in Boston this winter, wouldn't that be an actual bona fides miracle?

Right? It's like, you look like Bill Nighy (which is not a good look for a woman) and you have the nerve to judge my yoga pants that you think I shouldn't be wearing because I'm not hot enough? GTFO, Fran.

Super judgey in men's clothes that she's obviously drowning in.

Dear Fashion,

What, pray tell, am I supposed to be wearing to go for a run or to and from yoga class, Ms. Leibowitz?

I get cranky when people who don't live where it's snowing 8-10 months out of the year comment on coat choices. That's all I'm going to say.

I really wish they had brought the "mixed eggs" guy one hard boiled, one fried and one scrambled.

I'm an atheist. This is not a defensive comment because I feel attacked. This is a reminder that the faith of others is complex, multifaceted, both personal and political, and is intertwined in many different ways with a person's life. It's never as simple as "the church says birth control is a sin and I don't believe

At one point, she asked if he would consider quitting his job to be a stay-at-home father given how much he wanted a baby. "That just wasn't the plan he had in mind," she said.

I drink the shit out some milk and love it. 3 glasses a day, homie.

I love milk. I've never had cramps, bloating or the shits from it. Have drunk skim or one percent from childhood. And I don't drink coffee, tea or alcohol so FUCK THE HATERS.

No other species has fully-formed sentience, either, which isn't a terribly good excuse to stop using our brains to get on their level. I fart on this article.

So proud that we have someone who is both a doctor and a judge on staff.

FSOG is so awful. The actors have no chemistry and the writing in the books was just awful. If you want good BDSM erotica, try the Sleeping Beauty trilogy by Anne Rice (written under the pen name A. N. Roquelaure), and if you want a good BDSM movie, there's always Secretary which came out before any of the FS books,

My favourite thing about the Americans is that a Welsh bloke can play a Russian playing an American playing loads of different Americans. Such is the power of acting and wigs.

I totally eat porridge and I've never been intimate with a dude. I AM ON MY WAY, GRAN!