Satire of all the right wing nutters who are triggered by hearing all the horrible things their chosen leaders are doing.
Satire of all the right wing nutters who are triggered by hearing all the horrible things their chosen leaders are doing.
Rumored theory is that the Elliot Broidy Playboy Abortion was really a Trump Playboy Abortion. I don’t doubt it... but I also don’t doubt that there was a totally separate pregnancy/abortion going on!
the highly conflicted Robert Mueller and his gang of 13 Angry Democrats obviously cannot find Collusion
When you accept a job in which your foremost duty is lying to the American public, you deserve to have the press pool rip you a new orifice every single day of the week. A lie delivered “sweetly” is still a lie, and SHS has been far from amiable.
Any person accepting the job of press secretary for this administration…
Do you really think Sarah has been treated more poorly than Sean was? When your job is defending and justifying President Flip-flop’s lies and contradictory statements, surely you have to expect some tough questions?
It looks like an old car or trolley. There’s nothing scary about it. Am I missing something here?
It looks a lot like the horse-drawn omnibus that came before it. Pretty cheerful to me, actually.
Greek salad with lemon, olive oil, oregano, olives, red onion, peppers, cucumber, tomatoes and feta. NO lettuce or vinegar.
That’s great! My son is hanging out with friends 40 minutes away from home, going to Dave and Busters, walking around the mall, and going to see a violent film- Purge Something (?). He is fifteen. It goes fast.
I still remember being afraid of turning on my bike so when I reached a corner etc I would get off the bike and turn it around
I took a turn too sharp, fell, and scraped my knee in that way only kids scrape their knees that hurts and bleeds like Hell and takes a month to heal.
Don’t refrain from peeing after sex, even when TTC! The last thing you need right now is a UTI interfering with things. It’s fine to lie still for a few min or so, but definitely get up and pee after that. Sperm are FAST (at least the good ones are) and only need a couple of minutes to get through your cervix, so…
Do you remember that first time you rode a 2-wheel bike independently? I have a fairly vivid memory of that moment. Life’s passages, wonderful years for you and your family!
My daughter learned how to swim two weeks ago and took the training wheels off of her bike on Monday. Seeing her enjoy her first tastes of independence is amazing.
Back in the day we called them ‘elephant’ pants - they looked terrific on reasonably tall, slim girls with small waists. She’s definitely got the figure for them (and in silk!)
You’re entitled to your opinion.
I disagree. There’s an implied wink and nudge that goes along with “a gentleman never tells.”
I don’t believe “a gentleman never tells” was a better response to an invasive question about what may or may not have happened in an airplane restroom than just not responding at all.
I didn’t understand a single thing in this article.
I am almost too old to have children, but a hysterectomy is unnecessary for me at this point. That is a very serious operation.