
They see me trollin', they hatin'...

It would have been nice to at least get a couple of pictures of some booth babes...you know...just as a reference.

I grew up in a Conservative Christian (i.e. Independent Baptist) home and we weren't allowed to have Christmas lights because it was our belief that they represented secularism and were the opposite of everything that represents our beliefs.

Wow...and I thought making glaring generalizations about other people's religions were specific to Conservative Christians. Maybe the article should be called, "How to be a hypocrite"

You should change the name of the article to Derek Powazek says you're all Christians.

...and I've seen some pretty ugly girls with freckles...(including your girlfriend) AH-THANK YOU!!!!

Wow!!! The newest, fastest Android handset to ship without the newest fastest version of Android...awesome!!! I like how they list the width by measuring the thinnest part of the phone and throwing out the fact that it's 10.5mm at it's thickest point. I'm gonna try that the next time someone asks me how thin I am,

That's interesting, I always wondered why the entire first season of Top Gear was missing and I had my suspicions about Mythbusters too.

Wait a sec, is that Johnny from Karate Kid? SWEEP THE LEG!!!!

They should just replace the super sensitive gigantic radio telescopes with these people. They're probably cheaper to run and can probably detect radio signals from space just as well.

Theory; a proposed explanation whose status is still conjectural and subject to experimentation, in contrast to well-established propositions that are regarded as reporting matters of actual fact.

Billy Mays could have opened it in about 3 minutes with a DualSaw...it was invented by a French rescue worker to cut shi.tty European cars in half, surely it's strong enough to open this safe.

That is correct; we have a law in Arizona called "Shannon's Law" that makes firing your gun randomly in the air a felony offence. It was named after 14 year old Shannon Smith who was killed instantly from a stray bullet that some jack-wad had randomly fired into the air.

This new discovery doesn't disprove that man was created by God, especially if you were to believe in the creation account given in Genesis. According to Genesis God formed man from the dirt of the earth and science has shown that man is man up of the exact same 6 elements as dirt. So if Christians also believe that

The train and it's surrounding background are on the same plane of focus and should either both be in focus or out of focus. The original image would have been taken with both the train and the background in focus but they masked the train and then blurred the background around it.

The cobblestones are probably a design feature that the architect added specifically to deter skateboarders and it eliminates the need for all the no skateboarding signs.

Dear Visa applicant,

Have you ever even seen a royal wedding before? Do you really think they're just going to get front and center at the biggest event to happen in the last 20 odd years just because they have Reuters stickers on a few lenses? I'm sure they let just anybody walk right up to the royal family to snap a few photos, should

You'd be surprised, the Michigan State Police have been accused of using it on routine traffic stops, the ACLU is all over it.

You forgot the ever important pause after the word 'to' and the, YEEAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!! that goes at the end.