Donald Trump is about to be president, a white nationalist is whispering in his ear, and Jeff “The Ku Klux Klan Is…
Donald Trump is about to be president, a white nationalist is whispering in his ear, and Jeff “The Ku Klux Klan Is…
Well, there it is right there.
Yes, because Barb is all of us. And we are glad that she is alive and having a good, albeit spooked, life. Barb is the chubby, sensible highschooler in all of us, who did our homework, followed the rules, treated others with respect. The overachiever who didn’t get invited to the cool kids parties. The nerdy girl who…
Just like every other declining industry, big oil must evolve or die.
Oh no, I feel very conflicted.
Pretty Corpulent Piggy?
YUP. I have pointed that out to every asshole crying “but...PCP!”. PCP makes people eat other people’s faces off. It is a crazy drug that makes people insane. That man was calm. PCP my ass.
I thought the same thing. And someone else pointed this out, but remember that cop in NYC that actually got in trouble for shooting someone in a stairwell? He was Asian. So, so far the only cops that have actually seen repercussions are an Asian man and a white woman.
Betty Shelby is nothing but a low-life thug. Look at her record! She smokes marijuana and has been cited for domestic violence. Was only a matter of time when something like this would happen. Get her off the streets!
Yes. How “strange” that a black man, when confronted by a cop, would put his hands in the air. It couldn’t possibly be that he wanted to preemptively signal that he was unarmed, given that so many other black person-cop interactions turn deadly without provocation.
Pretty much me when I see pictures of people’s cats:
Some people relate to their cats as companions, or as lil’ children. Others regard cats as prisoners with criminal delusions of meglomania and we’re the wardens keeping watch.
Ohhh, are these litter-mates? They will bring you so much joy. And yes, we cat-adopting people may be weird, but our history goes WAAAAAYYY back.
PS, if you haven’t already, get a system to toilet-train them and your life will be so much easier in so many ways. Check Amazon.
I’m sorry I can’t hear you over all of the LOVE
If Britain and the US took these refugees, this story wouldn't exist.
“Now, Sir, I know you were stabbed but did you ever think to angle your body away from the knife? Perhaps mashing your ribs together so the blade couldn’t jam into your heart?”
Oh please be safe from internet assholes, tiny child....
My only complaint here is that she doesn’t seem old enough. This photo I found looks a little bit more Meg-ish.